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【十八、誰是英雄——勇者篇 】

18. Chapter on Courage-Who Is the Hero?

■  孫華穗     文      By Sun Huasui

一抹若有若無的雲,斜斜抹 過畫布似的藍天;天盡處,連 著無垠的青青草原。坐在車內 ,閒眺著這暮春三月的景緻, 藺相如舒舒腰身;進一陣子常 稱病不上朝,悶在家中許久, 逢著此時此景,格外覺得天地 寬敞且身心舒泰。忽然一片黃 沙捲起,由遠而近,一桿色彩 鮮明的旗幟掩抑在漫天黃塵間 ,才觸及旗上斗大的「廉」字 ,便已看見一員猛將率眾馳騁而來。藺相如忙 吩咐車夫轉道繞小路走,跟隨的門客都變了臉 色:「大人!」藺相如擺擺手:「不妨事!不 妨事!咱們讓著點兒吧!」「大人!我們離鄉 背井地來投靠您,無非是仰慕您有義氣,是個 英雄;現在您和廉將軍同朝共事,只為了他宣 稱要當面羞辱您,您就害怕地躲著他,未免太 過膽小了!一般的人尚且認為這是可恥的事, 何況您官居上卿呢!我們沒什麼才幹,就向您 告辭回去吧!」藺相如嘆了口氣:「各位認為 廉將軍會比秦王威風嗎?」「當然比不上!」

「那麼,以秦王的威嚴,我都敢當廷責斥他 又侮辱他的大臣;我就算再差勁,又哪裡會單 單怕了個廉將軍呢?我所考慮的是:強大的秦 國之所以不敢來進攻我們趙國,就是因為有我 們兩個人在;假如現在我和廉將軍爭鬥起來, 不是你死就是我亡,那時恐怕國家就危險了! 我不是膽小,只是把國家的急難擺在私人仇怨 之前啊!」

可不是嗎?想當年秦王為了侵占趙國的國寶 和氏璧,假稱要用十五座城來交換;換與不換 ,都是個險難的局面;滿朝文武沒有一個能有 保全的辦法。趙王的太監就推薦了他的門客藺 相如。藺相如分析在敵強我弱的情勢下,若不 答應,馬上要吃眼前虧;便自告奮勇出使秦國 。果然,毫無誠意的秦王一接過璧,馬上交給 左右傳觀,絕口不提給城的事。藺相如便假稱 要指壁上的瑕疵給秦王看,而把璧騙回手中, 迅速地又退到柱子邊,準備來個人璧俱毀。當 時他態度強硬,正氣凜然,以致於頭髮都豎直 了起來,連威猛不可一世的秦王都被他震懾住 。就憑著他的機智和義正辭嚴的風範,藺相如 終能完好地把璧帶回趙國。隔年,秦王在殺人 掠地之後,才又派人說願意和好,要求趙國在 澠池會面。藺相如鼓勵趙王不可示弱,陪著去 赴會。會中秦王乘著酒意要戲侮趙王,也幸虧 有藺相如義膽忠肝的保護和聲色俱厲的反擊, 又拉成個平手。回國後,不但趙王馬上升他為 上卿,大家也都視他為英雄。這下子,素以英 雄自命的廉頗將軍可不是滋味了!總覺自己出 生入死地奮勇作戰,立下不少汗馬功勞,現在 這個出身微賤,只會賣弄唇刀舌槍的文人,居 然在短時間內就位在自己之上,太嚥不下這口 氣;便狂妄地宣稱要在碰了面時給他好看,試 試誰才是英雄!

可是,等藺相如對門客解釋的那一番話傳到 廉頗耳中,他頓時羞愧得脫了上衣、揹根鞭子 ,登門去謝罪:「我是個粗野沒見識的人,不 知您竟寬宏大量到這地步!我今天才知道您是 個真正的英雄!請您責罰我吧!」藺相如又驚 又喜地忙扶住他:「廉將軍知過必改,能屈能 伸,才是英雄本色!」兩人互相攙扶著,是真 英雄才能惜英雄,不禁相視大笑。從此,中國 史上又多了一對以生死相交的朋友。

A cloud that barely seemed to exist floated obliquely across the blue sky, which seemed like a canvas for painting. At the horizon, the sky connected with the boundless plains of green grass. Seated in a carriage and gazing at the springtime landscape in leisure, Lin Xiangru stretched his back. Lately, be- cause of illness, he had been on leave from the imperial court and had been cooped up at home for quite some time. Taking in the scene at that moment, he experienced the immensity of the uni- verse, and his body and mind felt very peaceful. Suddenly, in the distance, a cloud of yellow dust rose up from the ground. As it approached, a brightly colored banner could be seen in the midst of the dust. By the time he made out the large character "Lian" on the banner, he could already see the valiant general in front of his troops, riding quickly towards him. Lin Xiangru hurriedly instructed his driver to make a detour onto a smaller road. The countenance of his retainers and fol- lowers all changed and they all exclaimed, "Lord!" Lin Xiangru waved his hand, "It's all right! It's all right! Let's yield a bit!" "Lord! We have left our hometowns to follow you, out of admiration for your righteousness, because you are a hero. Now you and General Lian are both serving in the imperial court. You are afraid of him and trying to avoid him just because he announced that he would insult you to your face. You are simply too cowardly! Even ordinary people would con- sider this a shameful thing to do, how much the more should a supe- rior official like you! Since we have no ability, we would like to ask for your permission to leave and return to our homes." Lin Xiangru sighed and said, "Would you say that General Lian is more awe-in- spiring than the King of Qin?" "Of course not!" "Then, despite the high authority of the King of Qin, I dared to scold him in his imperial court and humiliate his ministers. No matter how contemptible I might be, how could I be afraid of General Lian? My consideration is: the reason the kingdom of Qin dares not invade our kingdom of Zhao is because there are two of us here. Should we fight with each other, either he will die or I will perish. Then our country will really be in peril! I am not a coward; it's just that the safety of the country comes before personal grudges!"

Isn't this true? He thought of the time when the King of Qin wanted to usurp the state treasure of the kingdom of Zhao, a piece of flat jade, pretending to offer fifteen cities in exchange for it. Whether or not the exchange was agreed to, the situation would have been dangerous. All the civil and military officials in the imperial court could not think of a safe way out. A eunuch of the King of Zhao recommended Lin Xiangru, one of his retainers, to solve the problem. Lin Xiangru, reasoning that since the enemy was stronger, if his kingdom should decline the offer, they would suffer an immediate loss. Therefore, he volunteered to serve as an ambassador to the State of Qin. Sure enough, the insincere King of Qin took the jade and passed it on to people around him, mentioning nothing about giving up the cities. On the pretext of showing the King a blemish on the jade, Lin Xiangru tricked it back into his own hands. Then he quickly retreated behind a pillar, intending to destroy both himself and the jade. At that time, he was so strong in attitude, so stern and full of proper energy, that his hair stood up. Even the prestigious King of Qin stood in awe of his behavior. With his sharp wits and forceful defense of the cause of justice, Lin Xiangru was finally able to return the jade intact to Zhao. The next year, after killing people and seizing land, the King of Qin sent an envoy requesting a meeting at Mingchi to make peace with the King of Zhao. Lin Xiangru encouraged the King of Zhao not to be a coward and accompanied him to the meeting. During the feast, the King of Qin feigned drunkenness and tried to disgrace the King of Zhao. Fortunately, Lin Xiangru's loyal defense and harsh reproof enabled the King of Zhao to get even. After their return, not only did the King of Zhao promote him to a superior rank, everyone regarded him as a great hero. But that displeased General Lian, who regarded himself as a hero! He had risked his life fighting in so many battles, earning great merit and distinction. Now this scholar of lowly background, who only knew how to show off his eloquence, had suddenly been promoted above him! This was intolerable! Therefore, General Lian had recklessly boasted that should they meet with each other, he would challenge him to see who was the real hero!

However, when Lin Xiangru's words to his retainers reached his ears, Lian Po felt so ashamed that he took off his coat, carried a stick on his back, and went to Lin Xiangru's residence and apologized, "I am a rough and unlearned person. I didn't realize that you were generous and forgiving to such an extent! Now I know you are really a great hero! Please punish me!" Startled and delighted, Lin Xiangru quickly helped him up and said, "General Lian! By being able to change your faults after you realize them, and by being flexible in dealing with situations, you have the characteristics of a great hero!" Clasping each other in their arms, they could not help laughing at each other. Only a genuine hero can cherish a hero. From then on, they were yet another pair of life-and-death friends in Chinese history.


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea