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■   岳興華      文     By Yue Xinhua

佛教始終主張,空即是色,色即是空 ,空色一如。說含混不清,現在又空色 難分,這是科學自身矛盾。用真理追究 ,凡事都會有水落石出。

據說中西醫結合會議,為了經絡的絡 有分歧。中醫說有,西醫說無。解剖屍 體也找不到絡,西醫堅不承認,中醫說 有史以來,根據經絡病變,開方治病。 如不承認有絡,無根據開方。到一九八 九年北京首都醫院,一位教授和一位醫 生聲明「人有經絡」,是無體有能的東 西,這類東西確不在少數。所謂「分子 、原子、基本粒子」,就是全世界所有 萬物,包括你我在內的人體最後的縮影 ,沒有一物例外。人不能創生,也不能 消滅任何物體。那麼萬物未表相前是什 麼樣呢?空中到底有多少未顯現的物呢 ?它們的顯相過程又是怎樣呢?這些問 題均待解決。所以追究真理離不開空間 。空能包色,色不能括空;真空是「實 相」,色相是「幻景」。可將大海中的 風浪作一譬喻,「海」比空,「浪」比 物相,「風」是因緣條件。可以說:「 水不異浪,浪不異水;水即是浪,浪即 是水」。風平浪靜時,可以說:「浪雖 靜而水不滅」(盡歸海中),說浪靜只 是浪形不見,因它沒有自己的實體。因 風而顯,風止復歸於海。此喻即「空色 一體」,宇宙就是這樣實實在在作用過 程。在這兒清清楚楚地看出「空色」焦 點、交界,色化空之空色一如,對生死 輪迴、物質不滅,都可以理解,到此才 算把自然假相完全揭破。但人類習慣印 象,日久年深,雖有實事證明,「積重 難返」、「以假當真」,佛之憐憫說苦 ,意義深遠,當深思之。


Buddhism has always propounded that emptiness is just form, form is just emptiness, and form and emptiness are one. The confusion between emptiness and form originates in science itself. When true principles are applied to analyze worldly matters, then the truth will be brought to light.

In a conference on Chinese and Western medicine, there was a dispute on the so-called flow of energy. Chinese medicine affirms its existence, whereas Western medicine adamantly denies it, since they find no evidence of it when they dissect a corpse. In the history of Chinese medicine, its practitioners have always prescribed treatment and cured illness based on diagnoses of the patient's energy flow. If the theory of energy flow is invalid, then there is no basis for their prescriptions. It was not until 1989 that a professor and a doctor at the Beijing Hospital jointly announced that the flow of energy does exist in human beings in an immaterial form. Various things in the world are not material. The so-called molecules, atoms, and fundamental particles are the most essential elements of all things in the world, including you and me. There is no exception at all. Man can neither create nor obliterate any kind of matter. If this is the case, then in what state do all things exist before they transform into a material form? How many different types of formless objects exist in the world? By what process do they come to take on material form? These are all to be explained. Therefore, one cannot pursue the reality without taking emptiness into account. Emptiness includes all phenomena, whereas the phenomena are only a part of emptiness. The emptiness is the reality (truth); form is only illusory. Take for example the waves on the sea: if we compare the sea to emptiness and the waves to form (phenomena), using wind as the cause and condition, we may say that the sea and the waves are not different, that the sea and the waves are one. When the sea is calm, we may say that although the waves have subsided, the sea still exists (waves are harbored in the sea). When we say that there are no waves, it is only that the shapes of the waves cannot be seen because they don't have any substance of their own. They merely appear with the wind and disappear when the wind is gone. This analogy depicts the oneness of emptiness and phenomena. Our universe is actually this way. It clearly points out the oneness as well as the boundary between emptiness and form. It also explains reincarnation and the indestructibility of matter, and consequently debunks the disguise of natural phenomena. Human beings, however, have been fooled by their old ideas for a long time. Their long-held ideas make it difficult for them to turn around, and they take false phenomena to be the truth. The Buddha pitied us and expounded suffering for us. That's profoundly meaningful. We should contemplate deeply on this.

→To be continued


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