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【佛學名詞 】

Buddhist Terminology

宣化上人講述     Lecture by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院編輯     Edited by the International Translation Institute

我們念佛,是因為阿彌陀佛在過去因地時,發 了四十八願。他在四十八願之中說:「每一個眾 生,十方世界所有的眾生,若是稱我名號,他一 定會成佛;如果他不成佛,我誓不取正覺的,我 也不成佛。」藉著阿彌陀佛這種大弘誓願,我們 就好像乘著一艘船到對岸一樣。阿彌陀佛的願力 ,是他過去和我們所有十方眾生簽的合同、簽的 條約。我們如果念佛不生極樂世界的話,阿彌陀 佛也沒有成佛的資格。因為這種關係,所以我們 每個人都應該相信,深信切願來實行念佛法門。

這念佛是最簡單、最圓融,是最捷徑的一個法 門,也不需要很多時間,又不需要金錢;老年人 、青年人、壯年人、有病的人、無病的人都可以 念佛。這個念佛法門是「三根普被,利鈍兼收。 」三根,就是上、中、下,也就是有智慧的人、 普通人和愚癡的人。利鈍兼收,無論你是最聰明 的,還是最愚癡的,乃至於畜生都可以念佛往生 西方極樂世界。所以說「用力少而成功多」,念 佛法門,是很容易的,很方便的。

念佛有四種方法:(一)持名念佛。(二)觀 像念佛。(三)觀想念佛。(四)實相念佛。

(一)持名念佛:就是常常專持「南無阿彌陀 佛」這六字洪名。持名念佛,又有「金剛念」, 就是在心裡邊念,自己聽心裡邊念的「南無阿彌 陀佛」這個聲音,清清楚楚的,口裡也念得清清 楚楚的,耳朵聽得清清楚楚的。另外還有最簡單 的「朝暮十念法」,早晨起身,大小便利之後, 把臉也洗了,口也漱了,合起掌來,面對著西方 ,念「南無阿彌陀佛……」,一口氣為一念,盡 一口氣你能念多少聲就念多少聲,念這麼十口氣 ,早晨修這十念法,晚間也修這個十念法。


We practice Buddha-recitation because when Amitabha Buddha was cultivating on the causal ground he made forty-eight great vows. In his vows he said, "Every living being in the worlds of the ten directions who recites my name will become a Buddha. If he does not become a Buddha, I vow not to attain proper enlighten ment; I will not become a Buddha, either." Relying on Amitabha Buddha's great, vast vows is like riding a ship to the other shore. Amitabha Buddha's vows are the contract he has signed with the living beings of the ten directions. If we were to recite the Buddha's name and not be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, Amitabha Buddha would not be qualified to become a Buddha. Because of this relationship, every one of us should practice the Dharma-door of Buddha-recitation with deep faith and sincere vows.

Buddha-recitation is the simplest, most perfect, and most effective Dharma-door. It does not take too much time, nor does one need to spend any money. Old people, young people, people in their prime, sick people, and healthy people can all practice Buddha-recitation. This Dharma-door is one that "covers the three roots and receives both sharp and dull." The three roots refer to superior, medium, and inferior roots, which is to say, wise, ordinary, and stupid people. To receive both sharp and dull means that all living beings, from the most intelligent down to the most stupid, including animals, can obtain rebirth in the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss through reciting the Buddha's name. Thus it is said, "With little effort, one achieves much success." The Dharma-door of Buddha-recitation is very easy and convenient.

There are four types of Buddha-recitation: (A) Holding the name Buddha-recitation, (B) Contemplating an image Buddha-recitation, (C) Contemplating and thinking Buddha-recitation, and (D) Real Mark Buddha-recitation.

(A) Holding the name Buddha-recitation: This is to constantly recite the great name of "Namo Amitabha Buddha." There is another method called Vajra Recitation, which is to recite with the mind so that the mind clearly hears the sound of "Namo Amitabha Buddha." The mouth recites clearly, and the ears also hear clearly. There is another very simple kind of recitation, the method of "ten recitations in the morning and evening." After you get up in the morning, go the bathroom, wash up, and rinse your mouth, you can put your palms together, face the west, and recite "Namo Amitabha Buddha." With one breath counting as one recitation, recite as many time as you can in one breath, and recite for ten breaths. Practice this dharma of ten recitations in the morning as well as in the evening.

→To be continued


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