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67th Generational Patriarch Dhyana Master Changzhong of Yunkong

(接上期)     Continued from last issue
虛雲老和尚集     Composed by the Elder Master Yun
宣化上人講於一九八五年六月七日     Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua on June 7, 1985

那麼小山就說,現在「杜撰禪和」,就是冒充開 悟的人,冒充有參學的人,冒充懂事情的人,就是 冒充過來人。寫文章叫撰;杜撰是根本行不通的這 麼一個文章,就是自己獨斷獨行的,獨自自己作出 來的,旁人移到外邊行不通的。沒有人懂得他的。 所以他說「杜撰禪和」,杜撰的禪和子,「如麻似 粟」,說好像麻那麼多,好像粟那麼多。嘗忠禪師 問作什嘛?小山就給他解釋;解釋了,他還不接受 ,又對小山說,喔!「者漢,在者裡」,你在這個 地方。

「擬魔魅人耶」:說你想來擬魅人嘛?像那個魔 來迷魅人啊?這話更沒有禮貌了!因為他這麼一說, 所以小山說:「好東西!」劈頭就打上去,「我就 打你的魔」,打你魔魅!你看人家是魔魅,自己就 已經沾了魔邊了,所以他打他。你們各位要真正知 道,佛教裡頭,他是真正要苦口婆心,他真要下楗 椎,這叫楗椎。你看這樣不講道理,打你!打你個 魔魅再說,就打!這一打,打老實了,把他狂心給 打歇了;這種狂妄自大、貢高我慢、無明障礙,都 給打死了,打破癡網了。

所以他是「服勤三載」,這個服就是服務,勤就 是勤勞,你想求法一定是要勤勞麼,不能自己圖安 逸,喔!我一點成就也沒有,就要作了祖師爺了, 就想作Boss(老闆)呢,這樣子是不行的,這樣子 ,這是佛教的敗類,佛教沒有這一類的,自己也不 懂得自己,認識不認識自己是怎麼樣的一個情形。 我再告訴你們,我剛一到廟上出家,那個方丈和尚 就不在廟上,去到旁的廟上不知幹什麼?我在廟上 有半年多,天天都挨人家打,挨人家罵,不是像你 們到這兒一出家就作祖師爺,我有今天是打出來的 ,罵出來的。以我的性情,不會忍得住被人打,被 人罵,但是我都能忍受。我告訴你們,你們這樣子 ,修什麼道啊?修道的人不是就那麼好逸惡勞、好 吃懶做就可以成道的。都要拿出一番代價的。「冒 充開悟如麻葦」:所以說冒充開悟,他這也就「杜 撰禪和」,冒充開悟。「如麻葦」,如麻似葦那麼 多的,葦也就是蘆葦,水邊很多。

「假借魔魅惑人籌」:說你在那兒迷惑人,籌也 就很多人,不是一個人,就像那個籌碼似的那麼多 人。因為那前邊是如麻如葦。他說他是杜撰禪和, 他又罵上這個小山:「者漢在者裡,擬魔魅人耶」 ?這是罵人的。你看,他若要是認識這個小山,他 不會罵的,他沒有這麼大膽的。他大概看他,在廟 裡邊出來這麼一個,不知道是燒火的和尚?是煮飯 的和尚?是個火頭僧?是個水頭和尚?所以他就很 輕慢地就罵他,說:「者漢」,你這個人啊!「漢 」就是個人,你這個人,在這個地方,「擬魔魅人 耶」你想做一個魔王來迷人啊?嗯!所以小山便打 ,小山一聽他這麼說了,劈頭幹得就打,這一打把 他打明白了,打明白啦,所以他就「服勤三載」, 不是懶惰的。「由此縛茆」,由這個之後,就自己 進一個小茅篷,在什麼地方呢?就在廩山那個地方 ,「二十年,不與世接」。

「打破癡網心意識」:小山這一打啊,把他的愚 癡的這種見解給打破了。不用這個心,也不用意, 不用識去分別判斷,去臆測。不用造個了,打破了 癡網心意識。

「恢復智炬聖賢流」:因為那個癡網破了,那個 智炬就開了;所以恢復了,就又有了智炬。聖賢流 ,就入這個聖賢之流,就是證果了,開悟了。這真 是開悟了,真是證果了。

「洞水翻波莫能禦」:他開悟了之後,他這種的 智慧辯才,使這曹洞宗的智慧水翻波逐浪的莫能禦 ,誰也擋不住了。在當時,誰妒嫉障礙也不行了, 也擋不住了。這個禦,就是在那兒給堵上,也堵不 住了。

「夾路夾帶俱奔修」:那麼在夾路,就是滿路, 互相都三三五五的,大家都到這兒來修行。

Then Master Xiaoshan said, "Fake Chan meditators," which refers to people who pretend that they are enlightened, that they are learned and experienced, and that they have walked the path. The Chinese words for "fake" mean literally "trumped up," as in an essay which is completely wrong; one is just dogmatically writing one's own ideas, which other people cannot accept or understand. Thus he said, "Fake Chan meditators," fraudulent meditators, "are as many as sesame seeds and millet seeds." Dhyana Master Changzhong asked what he meant, and Xiaoshan explained. But he did not accept the explanation, and said to Master Xiaoshan again, "Hey, you!"

"Are you imitating a demon and trying to confuse people in this place?" He said, "Are you here trying to imitate the demon to charm and confuse people?" This was even more impolite. When he said that, Xiaoshan hit him right on the head. "Rascal! I'll beat your demon!" When it seems to you that others are demons, you're already on the verge of a demonic state yourself. Therefore, Master Xiaoshan hit him. We should understand that Master Xiaoshan was actually painstakingly trying to teach him. He really wanted to discipline him, seeing him being so rude. Once he was beaten, he behaved. His wild mind was subdued. The haughtiness, arrogance, and the obstacle of ignorance were all beaten to death. The net of stupidity was shattered.

Thus, he did labor for three years. When we seek the Dharma, we must be diligent; we should not indulge in comfort. We cannot say, "Oh! I want to be a patriarch, a boss, even though I have no accomplishments yet." This will not do. People like this are the scum of Buddhism. Buddhism does not include such people, who don't even understand themselves or know what the matter is with themselves. Let me tell you that when I first left the home-life, the abbot was not in the monastery. He went to other temples for some business. For over half a year, I was beaten and scolded every day at the temple. Not like you. As soon as you came here and left the home-life, you became patriarchs. I have become what I am today because of those beatings and rebukes. Although my temperament was such that I could not take being beaten and scolded, I patiently bore it all. Let me ask you, what kind of cultivation are you doing? Cultivators don't accomplish the Way by enjoying comfort and detesting labor, or by being lazy and just eating their fill. You have to pay your due. "Those faking enlightenment are as many as hemp and reeds." People who pretend enlightenment, those "fake Chan meditators," are as numerous as hemp and reeds. Reeds grow very abundantly beside the water.

Imitate a demon and try to confuse people. "People" refers to not just one person, but many, because Master Xiaoshan said before, "...as many as hemp and reeds." So when Master Xiaoshan called him a fake Chan meditator, he scolded Master Xiaoshan in return by saying, "Hey you! Are you imitating a demon and trying to confuse people in this place?" You see! If he knew it was Master Xiaoshan, he would not have scolded him. He would not have been so audacious. When he saw someone coming out of the temple, he probably assumed it was some monk working in the kitchen either tending fire, cooking, or carrying water. Therefore, he arrogantly scolded him by saying, "Hey you! Are you trying to be a demon king to confuse people?" And Master Xiaoshan hit him. With this beating, he attained some enlightenment. Thus, he "did labor for three years." He was not lazy. "So he built a hut..." After three years, he built a straw hut. Where? In Bingshan. "For twenty years, he did not have any contact with the world."

Rending the net of stupidity of the mind and consciousness: Master Xiaoshan's beating shattered his stupid views. There was no need for the mind or the consciousness to discriminate and do the guess work. There was no need, after "rending the net of stupidity of the mind and consciousness."

And rekindling the torch of wisdom, he entered the flow of sages and worthies. Since the net of stupidity was shattered, the torch of wisdom was lit up again. Consequently, he entered the flow of sages and worthies. That means that he certified to the fruition of sages; he was enlightened. This was true enlightenment and true certification.

The waters of Dong surged with great waves which could not be blocked. After his enlightenment, his wisdom and eloquence caused the waters of the Cao Dong Sect to surge with great waves which no one could block. At that time, even jealousy and obstruction from other people could not stop him. No one could block him.

Joining up with one another, all rushed here to cultivate. "Joining up" refers to people in groups of three or five. Crowding the road, they all rushed here to cultivate.


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