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Roll 4, Chapter 11, Vision of the Jeweled Stupa

宣化上人講     Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄     Translated by the International Translation Institute


若持八萬    四千法藏    十二部經    為人演說
令諸聽者    得六神通    雖能如是    亦未為難
於我滅後    聽受此經    問其義趣    是則為難

「若持八萬四千法藏」:假設你受持這個八 萬四千的法藏,就是佛所說的所有八萬四千的 法門,你都給人講。「十二部經」:這十二部 經以前我講過,我相信有很多人都記得,所以 我現在只念一念,不詳細講。你若是想要詳細 知道,就請問你們這幾位美國比丘、比丘尼、 優婆塞、優婆夷,請問他們,讓他們給你詳細 講一講。「十二部經」就是:


「為人演說」:給人來講解、說明。「令諸 聽者」:使令這一切聽經的人「得六神通」: 得到天眼通、天耳通、他心通、宿命通、漏盡 通、神足通的這六種神通。「雖能如是」:雖 然你能這個樣子,「亦未為難」:這也不算是 一件難事,這是很容易做到的。

「於我滅後」:在我滅度之後,「聽受此經 」:能聽這個《法華經》;「問其義趣」:你 再能問這個《法華經》的道理,它這個宗旨、 宗趣,「是則為難」:你們大家想一想,現在 聽《法華經》,你不來聽經?你能聽經,這是 一個最難的一件事,你應該不要錯過這個機會 ,應該聽《法華經》啊!

在以前沒有講到這個文的時候,我不也對你 們講這嗎?聽《法華經》難不難?要你們自己 去想一想。我們現在講到這個文,告訴你們, 你能有機會聽《法華經》,這是一件最難的事 情,不要說我們凡夫,就是多寶如來和釋迦牟 尼佛的分身都來聽《法華經》的。聽一遍《法 華經》,那將來你來生的智慧就不可思議了。 為什麼你現在這麼蠢?為什麼你現在這麼大脾 氣?為什麼你現在這麼多障礙?為什麼你有這 麼多的妄想?沒有聽過《法華經》!就算聽過 你也只聽過一次、兩次的,或者就是錯過很多 機會,所以到現在還是這麼多障礙。你現在聽 《法華經》之後,切記一次也不要錯過,每天 晚間講《法華經》,我就每天晚間來聽,我懂 也聽,不懂更要聽。因為我懂,不妨懂多一點 ,我不懂,一定我要懂。所以不要錯過機會啊 !這比你一天撿一百萬兩金子都有價值的。

釋迦牟尼佛說你若通達了十二部經,為人演 說,令一切的聽者都得到六種的神通,你雖然 能這樣子,「亦未為難」:這也不算是很難的 一件事。「於我滅後」:在我入涅槃之後,「 聽受此經,問其義趣,是則為難」:能聽這個 《法華經》,則能問這個《法華經》的道理, 這是很難的一件事。


From last issue:
After I enter Nirvana, if someone were to recite and uphold the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra or explain it to a single person, that would be really difficult.

If one upheld eighty-four thousand Dharma treasuries
And the twelve divisions of the canon, Expounding upon them to others,
Causing all the listeners
To gain the six spiritual penetrations; Even if one could do this,
It would not be difficult.
But if, after my extinction,
One can listen to and accept this Sutra And inquire into its meaning,
That is difficult.

If one upheld eighty-four thousand / Dharma treasuries. If you were to uphold all the eighty-four thousand Dharma-doors taught by the Buddha and the twelve divisions of the canon. The Twelve Divisions of the Canon were explained before, and I believe that many people still remember what they are. Therefore, I will just list them without explaining in detail. If you wish to understand them in greater detail, please ask these American Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakas, and Upasikas to explain in more detail. The Twelve Divisions of the Canon are given in a verse:

Prose, verses, and the transmitting of predictions,
Interjections, Dharma spoken without request,
Causes and conditions, analogies, and stories of past lives,
Stories of the lives of disciples, expanded (Vaipulya) texts,
Previously inexistent teachings, and commentarial literature
Make up Twelve Divisions;
Chapter 33 explains them in the Shastra of Great Wisdom.

Expounding upon them to others, explaining them to people, Causing all the listeners / To gain the six spiritual penetrations—the heavenly eye, the heavenly ear, the knowledge of other's thoughts, the knowledge of past lives, the extinction of outflows, and the power of spiritual travel. Even if one could do this /It would not be difficult. This would not be considered a difficult feat; it would be very easy to do.

But if after my extinction / One can listen to and accept this Sutra / And inquire into its meaning / That is difficult. After I enter Nirvana, if you can get to hear the principles and doctrines of The Dharma Flower Sutra ... You should all think it over. How can you not come to the Sutra lecture? It's very rare, this opportunity you now have to listen to The Dharma Flower Sutra. Don't let it slip by.

Didn't I tell you before we even reached this portion of text how hard it is to hear this Sutra? I wanted you to think about it for yourselves. Now that we have reached this passage, it tells us how difficult it is for us to get to listen to The Dharma Flower Sutra. To say nothing of common people like us, even Shakyamuni Buddha's division bodies and Many Jewels Buddha come to listen to it. If you are able to hear The Dharma Flower Sutra once, in the future your wisdom will be inconceivable. Why are you so dumb now? Why do you have such a big temper now? Why do you have so many obstructions now? Why are you tormented by so much false thinking? Because you never heard The Dharma Flower Sutra! Or even if you did hear it, perhaps you only heard one or two lectures and missed the rest. So now you have so many obstacles. Now that you are listening to The Dharma Flower Sutra, you should remember not to miss a single lecture! "There's a lecture on The Dharma Flower Sutra every evening, so I'll come to listen every evening. If I understand it, I'll come and listen; and if I don't understand it, I will still come and listen. If I do understand it, it won't hurt to deepen my understanding. If I don't understand it, I am certainly going to find a way to understand it." Don't miss this chance. It's worth more than finding a million ounces of gold each day!

Shakyamuni Buddha said that if one could completely understand the Twelve Divisions of the Canon and could explain them so that all those who listened would attain the six spiritual penetrations, that still would not be difficult. However, if after the Buddha has entered Nirvana, one can listen to and accept The Dharma Flower Sutra, and inquire into its meaning and principles, this is indeed a difficult thing to do.

→To be continued


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