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Inspiring the Wisdom in our own Nature

Master Heng Jhuang


心理學是為了要醫療我們人的心病、身病。 佛陀的教理也是這樣子的,要醫我們的心病和身病;佛陀留下來的教理,在兩千五百年以後的今天,我們仍然在學習,沒有因為時間和空間而造成改變。現在的科學,每一年都有新的發現,新的改變;佛法卻沒有,依然屹立在這世上,沒有搖動,只是等待著我們去發掘,去開發,真正啟發我們自性的智慧。



All of science, all the developments and new technologies of today's society, have been made to satisfy people's needs. The reason Buddhism has appeared in this world is also because of living beings.

Psychology was developed for the purpose of curing people's mental and physical sicknesses. By the same token, the Buddha's teachings are meant to cure the sicknesses of the mind and body. After two thousand and five hundred years, today we are still studying the teachings left by the Buddha. It has not changed through time and space. Modern day science has new discoveries and changes each year. But not Buddhism; it still stands straight and tall in this world, not moving, only waiting for us to discover it, to develop it, and to use it to truly inspire the wisdom in our own nature.

In addition, there is a very important concept in the Buddhadharma, which is the belief in "cause and effect." Where do people come from? Each person has certain habits which form his character. Having such a character, he will do certain things. These things all have causes. Because of the cause, an effect or result is produced. The result leaves a certain track, and you can follow it to understand why a person has such an attitude, such behavior, and such a character. We may not necessarily have been humans in every one of our previous lives, because we are still transmigrating in the six paths. We are human in this life, but perhaps in the preceding life we were pigs, dogs, sheep, or hungry ghosts. It's not for sure. Since we became human and came to this world from different places, we still carry our former habits and faults with us. Therefore, we have all different kinds of behavior. Once you understand this, you will know how to get along with people, and how to aid those who are in need of help.

Before the Buddha accomplished the Way, he underwent various ordeals and difficult practices, and as a result, was able to bring forth great kindness and compassion, and rescue all living beings who need help. In learning psychology, we must also have this spirit so that we will be able to make the correct decisions when helping people, and not end up making mistakes and causing harm.



A Happy Life

Master Heng Syun





In this world, no one can escape the operation of cause and effect, because it is a law of the universe. If we have thoughts of helping others, of rejoicing in and complying with others' meritorious and virtuous deeds, it will bring a sweet reward. However, if we give rise to thoughts of jealousy, obstructiveness, and affliction, or simply are unwilling to see others earn merit and virtue, then in the future the retribution we receive will be bitter.

Buddhism says, "The success and failure of all endeavors depends not only on our hard work but also on the coming together of causes and conditions." If we could understand this principle, then when we encounter favorable situations, we continue to strive forward, and when we meet adversity, we become even more vigorous, understand the causes and conditions, and advance. If we fail despite the effort we put in, and as a result, gave rise to thoughts of retreating, that would not be the right attitude for learning Buddhism.

In our daily life, every one of us can actually buy a happy life every day without having to spend a single penny. We should open up our minds, and try our best to ascend a level higher. In so practicing, we may not see any concrete achievement in one day, two days, or even a year or two. However, if we know that this is a good principle which can enable us to leave suffering and attain bliss, and end birth and death, then why don't we go ahead and act upon it? We should do it. We should work hard, and have a patient attitude so that we will have some accomplishment. Therefore, we must use this mind well. It is said, "Everything is made from the mind." We should apply our minds to the good aspects of things, and gradually put the principles into practice.

The Buddhadharma tells us that the path of ending birth and death is to be true and honest, and not to try to be different and fanciful, and not to have thoughts of pursuing fame and benefit. If we use our minds well and earnestly put the Buddhadharma in practice, then we will not have wasted our effort in coming to learn Buddhism today.


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