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妙 法蓮華經淺釋
The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra with Commentary

【卷 四見寶塔品第十一】

Roll 4, Chapter 11, Vision of the Jeweled Stupa

宣化上人講    &nbspCommentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄   &nbspTranslated by the International Translation Institute

佛的身上都出妙香。 生生世世有修行持戒的人,身上也都時時會放清蓮華香的。
The Buddhas' bodies give off a wonderful fragrance. People who cultivate and keep the precepts
in life after life will have bodies which always emit the pure fragrance of a lotus.

釋迦摩尼佛並無量分身諸佛,及多寶如來、天人龍神同來集會。 佛之神通令國清淨,所有諸佛都坐在寶樹下的諸師子座上。 發願,擁護成佛的法華,凡是有佛說《法華經》時,他就來現寶塔。

光明嚴飾    如夜闇中     然大火炬
身出妙香    遍十方國     眾生蒙熏
喜不自勝    譬如大風     吹小樹枝
以是方便    令法久住                   

「光明嚴飾」:這時候,都變成一個大光明藏了。「如夜闇中」:就好像在夜暗的時候,「然大火炬」:黑夜的天空裡,點起一堆火來,這火就把黑暗照沒有了。這 世界本來沒有光明,但每一尊佛的身上都放光,所以世界就變成光明了。「身出妙香」:佛的身上都出妙香。有修行的人,生生世世都修持戒律,他的身體時時都會 放清蓮華香的。這種香不會像一般香那麼大的氣味,而是微微的那股香味。「遍十方國」:這股香味能遍滿十方世界,十方國土。「眾生蒙熏」:眾生受到這股香氣 來熏陶、熏染。「喜不自勝」:大家都生出一種歡喜心。無形中就把脾氣都沒有了,不知道 angry(生氣)跑到哪裡去了。「譬如大風」:就好像大風,「吹小樹枝」,吹到小樹枝上,那樹枝就隨風來轉。「以是方便」:以這種的方便,令佛法久住世 間。

告諸大眾    我滅度後     誰能護持
讀說斯經    今於佛前     自說誓言
其多寶佛    雖久滅度     以大誓願
而師子吼    多寶如來     及與我身
所集化佛    當知此意     諸佛子等
誰能護法    當發大願     令得久住

「告諸大眾,我滅度後」:釋迦牟尼佛告訴大眾,我說完了《法華經》就入涅槃。「誰能護持」:你們這些四眾弟子和在法會的大眾。誰能發願來護持「讀說斯 經」?果護發願護持這法華會。「今於佛前」:現在在佛的面前,就是我釋迦牟尼佛和多寶佛的面前,我和我所有分身佛的面前「自說誓言」:你們說自己所發的 願,好像我們佛堂也有一些人發願一樣。不過我們發願,願是一樣,意思就不同了。或者你們將來聽過《法華經》之後,也發願護持法華,及護持說《法華經》的 人。

「其多寶佛,雖久滅度」:你們現在發願,多寶如來雖久遠已經滅度了。「以大誓願」:他因為在過去發這大誓的願力,「而師子吼」,所以他在寶塔裡也發出這師 子吼的大音聲。「多寶如來,及與我身,所集化佛」:多寶如來和我釋迦牟尼佛和所有的分身諸佛,所集會到一起的分身化佛。「當知此意」:你發這種願,他們都 知道你的意思,來保護你。「諸佛子等」:你們各位佛子等。「誰能護法」:誰發護法的心啊?「當發大願,令得久住」:你應該發最大的願力,令《妙法蓮華經》 這個法長住世間。

→ 待續

Reminder from last issue: 
Shakyamuni Buddha and his limitless division bodies, the Thus Come One Many Jewels, gods, people, dragons and spirits have all assembled together. The Buddha uses his spiritual powers to purify the lands. All the Buddhas are seated upon lion thrones beneath jeweled trees.

Adorned with brilliant light,
Like great torches gleaming
In the darkness of the night,
Their bodies emit a delicate fragrance
Pervading the ten direction lands,
And living beings perfumed by it
Are overwhelmed with joy.
Like a great wind
Blowing the small branches,
By means of this expedient device,
The Dharma is caused long to abide.

Adorned with brilliant light, they are a treasury of bright light. Like great torches gleaming in the darkness of the night. Just as the shining of burning torches disperses the blackness of night, the world, which was in darkness, is illumined by the light emitted from the Buddhas. Their bodies emit a delicate fragrance pervading the ten direction lands, and living beings perfumed by it are overwhelmed with joy. The Buddhas' bodies give off a wonderful fragrance. People who cultivate and keep the precepts in life after life will have bodies which always emit the pure fragrance of a lotus. It isn't as strong as perfume. It’s very subtle. It pervades the worlds throughout the ten directions, and those who are perfumed by it are delighted! Their tempers all disappear. They don’t know where all their anger ran off too! Like a great wind blowing the small branches. The branches all bend with the wind. By means of this expedient device, the Dharma is caused long to abide. This expedient allows the Buddhadharma to dwell long in the world.

To the great assembly, I say:
"After my extinction
Who can protect and uphold,
Read and speak this Sutra?
Now, in the presence of the Buddhas
He should make a vow.
The Buddha Many Jewels
Although long extinct
By means of his great vow
Utters the lion’s roar.
The Thus Come One Many Jewels,
As well as myself
And the transformation Buddhas here assembled
Will know of this resolution.
All you disciples of the Buddha,
Whoever can protect this Dharma,
Should make a great vow
To cause the Dharma long to abide."

To the great assembly, I say: "After my extinction who can protect and uphold." Shakyamuni Buddha said, "After I finish speaking the Dharma Flower Sutra, I'm going to enter Nirvana. Who of you in the four assemblies here, and among the people of this Dharma Assembly, can make a vow to support, read and speak this Sutra? Guo Hu (Fruit of Protection), you made a vow to protect this Dharma Flower Assembly. Now, in the presence of the Buddhas, me, Shakyamuni Buddha, Many Jewels Thus Come One, and all my division body Buddhas, he should make a vow. You should make your vows now! This is like here in the Buddhist Lecture Hall some people made vows. Although we have made vows, our vows are different. After hearing this Sutra, some of you may make vows to protect the Dharma Flower Sutra and support those who are lecturing on it.

The Buddha Many Jewels, although long extinct, by means of his great vow, utters the lion’s roar from within the great stupa. The Thus Come One Many Jewels as well as myself, Shakyamuni Buddha, and the transformation Buddhas here assembled, the division body Buddhas who have gathered here, will know of this resolution. When you make your vow, we will all know your intent, and come to protect and support you. All you disciples of the Buddha, whoever can protect this Dharma, should make a great vow to cause the Dharma long to abide. Who has made the resolve to protect the Dharma? You should make this greatest vow so that the Dharma of the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra can dwell in the world for a long time to come.

→To be continued


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