萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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By Ren De

Life is filled with all kinds of situations and circumstances. How can we make life meaningful?
It depends on the decisions we make in each moment.

The reason that Fong Brothers Printing Co. patronizes the printing of Vajra Bodhi Sea has to do with their mother. Mrs. Fong Tuey-Chow was a faithful Buddhist disciple who took refuge with the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. Steady and calm by nature, she would diligently bow to the Buddha and recite Sutras at home. Although she had never received any formal education, she was very clear about what was good, what was bad, what was right and what was wrong. She taught her four sons and one daughter that blood is thicker than water. Family members should dwell in harmony and cherish one another. Children should be filial to their elders, and faithfully perform the worship ceremonies for their deceased ancestors. Incense should be burned every morning and evening at the family altar.

Since their mother had benefited greatly from the Venerable Master's teachings, after she passed away, her children wished to commemorate her filial ideal by expanding its scope to benefit more people, and thus made their decision to printVajra Bodhi Sea for free, which they have been doing for over ten years now.

The elder Mr. Fong first came to the United States in 1956, and the whole family moved here in 1963. The children all received a Western education. Not only do they show brotherly concern and respect in the family, they also apply these qualities at work. Back in 1971, the five children cooperatively set up the printing company. The two eldest sons, Peter and Paul Fong, are responsible for production. The third son, Tony Fong, is the president of the company, and oversees administration, marketing and sales. The fourth son, Eugene Fong, is responsible for purchasing. And their sister Nancy manages their branch company. Although each has his or her own responsibility, they unite their efforts to work towards a common goal. Now there are a hundred and seventy employees in the company.

Despite his busy schedule as the president of the company, the honest and unassuming Tony Fong agreed to meet the editors of Vajra Bodhi Sea without any advance appointment. When asked why his company printed Vajra Bodhi Sea, he replied, "I believe in doing what's right. When my mother died of cancer, I was scared and didn't know how to deal with it. The Venerable Master told me about birth, aging, sickness and death. He also taught me that life continues in different forms, on and on without cease. This gave me the strength to bear the pain of my mother's death."

They have printed the magazine for many years, and the magazine itself is entering its 25th year. Tony Fong remarks, "We've been seeing Vajra Bodhi Sea every month, getting news of the Venerable Master. Many articles are very true and make a lot of sense. We print many magazines here, but very few are bilingual like yours. It's pretty good now." Reflecting on the first time he met the Venerable Master ten years ago, he says, "The Master told me to help others more, to give to others and not be greedy. The Master is very compassionate, not selfish at all."

Tony's managment philosophy is, "I listen to others' opinions. If what they say is right, I'll change myself. If they're simply making malicious comments, I just ignore them. Theories are too rigid. In dealing with people, I try to be flexible and to use compassionate wisdom." In his record of running the business, he has also made several mistakes. "I learn from my mistakes. The most serious loss gives me a chance to bring the dead back to life," said Tony.

Life is filled with all kinds of situations and circumstances. How can we make life meaningful? It depends on the decisions we make in each moment. The Fong brothers put filial piety and fraternality into practice. When the conditions ripened, they were moved by the Dharma and by a wise teacher to patronize the printing of the journal of the Proper Dharma. "Among all the kinds of offerings, the offering of the Dharma is the best." In the Dharma-wheel turned by the Venerable Master Hua, the Fong brothers have certainly given great aid and support. As Tony Fong says, "Life is limited. Don't be greedy. One should be happy, not pessimistic. Do the positive things in life." They have acted as examples by putting their ideals into practice.


This journal has been printed voluntarily by Fong Brothers Printing Co. for over ten years. Their spirit to protect the Buddhadharma and forsake personal profit is surely an example for people to follow. We hereby inform all our readers about their volunteer work.

The Buddhist Monthly-- Vajra Bodhi Sea


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea