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Ten Thousand Buddhas Column

How Can I be Free of the Self?

問:如何在六塵裡頭把持住我們的心,尤其俗家人,在社會上有很多引誘 ,我們要持什麼樣的一個法門才好?

答:這個法門就是要你自己有志氣,有骨頭,我說不被外境所引誘,那就 算有什麼東西來了,我都不動,這沒有什麼法門的。沒有一個咒,能 叫你不隨外界所轉的;沒有一部經,叫你鎖住你的心猿意馬,還是要 自己下功夫,自己立志。萬法唯心造,你心裡不願被境界轉,誰也轉 不動你。

Q: How do we control our minds in the six sense experiences? What kind of Dharma-door is the most effective for laypeople, who are exposed to so many attractions in society?

A: The Dharma-door is that you must have determination and gusts, and say "I Will not be tempted. No matter what comes up, I shall not move. ” There isn’t any special Dharma-door. Nor is there any mantra can help you not be moved by external states. There isn’t any Sutra that can hold your mind, which is as wild as a horse or gibbon. You must still apply effort on your own and make your own resolve. Everything is made from the mind alone. If your mind does not want to be moved by external states, no one will be able to move you.


答:無我,先要無人,無人自然就無我了。無人無我,還要無眾生,無壽 者。你要知道這個「我」是個假名詞,人也是個假名詞,眾生、壽者 都是假名詞,不要被假名詞迷住了。真正的我不是這個,是本有的佛 性,你為什麼把本有的佛性忘了,只記得世間的假我,假名、假義? 你把真的想起來,這假我自然就沒有了,你人雖是很聰明,若你把假 我忘了,把真的找出來,那才真正聰明了!

Q: This disciple thinks the appearance of the self is heavy and the attachment to the self is deep. How can I be free of the self?

A: To be free of the self, one must first be free of others. When there are no others, naturally there is no self. Once there are no others and self, you must have no living beings and no lifespan, too. You must understand that the self, the “I,” is only a name, so are others, living beings and lifespan. They are all names. Don’t be confused by names. The true self isn’t this; it is the inherent Buddha Nature. Why do you forget about the Buddha Nature, only remembering the false self, the false name and the false meaning? If you think of the true, the false self will naturally be gone. Although you are intelligent, if you are can forget the false self and find the ture one, then you are really wise!


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