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The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra
The Sutra that Helps to Accomplish Buddhahood

「妙」是微妙不可測,「蓮華」是比喻,因為微妙甚深的佛法,是稀有難逢的,所以用蓮花來比喻,眾生如種佛 因,就得佛果。本經是佛在靈山會上,以無數方便,種種因緣譬喻言辭,巧說諸法,悅可眾生,說明一切眾生皆有 佛性,開示悟入佛之知見,所以說凡有聞此經者,無一不成佛。

文中究竟諸法實相,「十如是」明法界種種事相。「火宅」喻三界,「衣藏明珠」顯佛性之常在。「三車」引出 唯一佛乘。「化城」表二乘法門如幻。「授記」佛預記弟子成佛,勉其迴小向大,修菩薩法。「安樂行」是菩薩行 處,往佛道之津梁。諸如種種,無一不是妙法,欲知其味,唯有深入本經,方可知之。

Wonderful means inconceivably, subtle and wondrous. The Lotus is a metaphor. The wonderful, and profound Buddha Dharma is very rare to encounter. Therefore, the lotus flower is used to illustrate that if living beings plant the causes of Buddhahood, they will achieve the fruition of the Buddha. This sutra was spoken in the Magic Mountain Dharma Assembly. The Buddha used countless expedient, causes, conditions and analogies, to skillfully speak the Dharma, explaining that all living begins have the Buddha Nature. He explained and demonstrated the Buddha’s knowledge and vision, and enabled living beings to enlighten to and enter them. That’s why it is said that anyone who hears this sutra will become a Buddha.

In the text is found the Characteristic of Ultimate Reality. The “ten Suchnesses” describe all kinds of appearances in the Dharma Realm. The “Burning House” is a metaphor of the Three Realms. The “Mani jewel” in the clothing points out the constant existence of the Buddha Nature. The “Three Carts” illustrate the one vehicle of Buddhahood. The “Transformation City” shows that the Dharma-doors of the two vehicles are illusory. “Prediction” refers to the Buddha foretelling his disciples’ attainment of Buddhahood, urging them to turn from the small and go toward the great by cultivating the Bodhisattva Path. “ Peaceful and Happy Conduct” tells of the practice of Bodhisattvas, the essence of the Buddha Path. None of these Dharmas is not wonderful. Do you want to know their flavor? By deeply entering this Sutra, can you know it!


Sutra of the Month■

二、法華部 Dharma Flower Sutra

1.大乘妙法蓮華經                                             精裝  1冊  $20.00 美元
2.大乘妙法蓮華經淺釋                                         平裝  4冊  $40.00 美元
3.大乘妙法蓮華經淺釋                                         精裝  2冊  $45.00 美元
4.大乘妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品淺釋                         平裝  1冊  $  6.00 美元
5.大乘妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品                             平裝  1冊  $  4.00 美元
6.大乘妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品淺釋  (錄音帶)             15卷       $30.00 美元
7.The Dharma Flower Sutra with commentary(1 set, in English)                       US$79.50

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法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea