萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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*  陳心平    文

十月二十二日晚間,在萬佛聖城的妙語堂,有一場精彩的促銷活動。由聖城附設的培德中 學高中男生輪流上台,向聖城內全體常住眾與訪客,介紹資源回收的方法,與節約資源的重 要。

這場生動的說明會,以圖片與實物,介紹可燃與不可燃的垃圾,以及可再利用、回收的物 資。學生們的準備很充分翔實,並以中英雙語進行,令人印象深刻。這群高中生更認真表示 願意協助聖城住眾集運垃圾,十足表達了他們對垃圾問題的關切,並以實際行動維護環境品 質的熱誠。

萬佛聖城的資源回收辦法已行之有年,負責的恆頤法師經常以圖表文字提醒大家多多回 收鋁罐、玻璃罐、紙張、紙箱等。這次,培德中學高中男生活潑有勁的呼籲,相信更能落實萬 佛聖城的資源回收辦法。


The Lively and Energetic Exhortation of Students of Developing Virtue School


*  By Chen Xin-ping

On the evening of October 22, at the Wonderful Words Hall in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, there was an exciting promotion activity. The students of Developing Virtue Boys' High School of the City took turns going on stage to introduce all residents and visitors to the importance of recycling and saving resources.

The lively oral presentation included pictures and demonstrations of combustible and non- combustible garbage, as well as the resources that can be reused and recycled. Their impressive presentation, conducted bilingually in Chinese and English, was the result of detailed preparation work. Furthermore, the high school students are seriously willing to help collect the garbage of the residents. This shows the students' great concern about the problem of garbage and their sincere wish to protect the quality of the environment with real action.

The recycling program at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas has been active for many years. Dharma Master Heng Yi often reminds everyone to recycle the aluminum cans, glass bottles, paper, cardboard, and so forth. This time, with the vivid and energetic exhortation of the high school boys, we believe the recycling program will be even more effective here.


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea