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敬 老 節

法界佛教 總會舉辦第二屆

*  陳心平    文

中華文化的優良傳統之一是,是關懷老人,尊重老人的智慧經驗。 法界佛教總會創辦人宣化上人,有鑑於西方社會普遍不重視老人, 不尊敬老人,特於一九九二年十一月公布,訂每年農曆十一月,擇 期舉辦敬老節活動,為六十五歲以上之老人家祝壽.藉敬老活動及 素食壽筵,提醒大家尊重一切眾生的生命權利。宣公上人指出,壯 年人知道敬老,年幼的人才懂得盡孝; 幼盡孝, 壯敬老,這種教育 能做成功,世界就有救了。

第一屆敬老節於西曆九二年十二月二十日假美國加州洛杉磯舉 行,獲得熱烈的迴響。第二屆敬老節,將於一九九四年元月三十日 ,星期日 (時間:上午10時30分),於西沙加緬度法界佛教總會新 成立的國際性道場—法界聖城舉行。唯願藉此活動拋磚引玉,倡導 孝德,希望各界人士同蒞此會,共襄盛舉。

法界聖城地址:1029 W. Capitol Ave, Sacramento, CA 95691
高速公路5號80號與99號 均可通達。 聯絡電話:(916)374-8268


DRBA Holds Its Second Celebration


*  By Chen Xin-ping

One of the excellent traditions of Chinese culture is caring for the elderly and respecting their wisdom and experience. Witnessing the lack of respect for the elderly in Western society, Venerable Master Husan Hua, the founder of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association (DRBA), announced in November,1992 that a Celebration in Honor of the Elderly will be held in the eleventh lunar month every year for those Over 60. The purpose of the event, including the vegetarian luncheon, is To promote respect for all life. The Ven. Master has said that if adults Learn to respect the elderly, the youth will learn to be filial. When the Children are filial to their parents and the adults respect the elderly, There is hope for the world.

The first Celebration in Honor of the Elderly, held on December 20, 1992,in Los Angeles, received an enthusiastic response. The second such celebration will be held at 10:30 Am on Sunday, January 30, 1994, at the newest International Bodhimanda of the Dharma Reallm Buddhist Association: the City of the Dharma Realm in West Sacramento.

It is our wish that we might plant a good seed in the hearts of people from all walks of life, and share our aspirations to promote the virtue of filial piety. We extend this invitation to everyone to come and make the event a success.

The address is 1029 W. Capitol Ave., W Sacramento, CA 95691. It Can be reached by talking Highways 5, 80, or 99. Telephone contact: (916)374-8268


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea