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Bodhi Garden


圓光 文 By Ywan Gwang


鬼乃人之死後身  去肉去血所餘者
人間眾生自認為  有血有肉稱人身
卻怕無血無肉者  而又不願真相信
人死仍有神識在  此神識乃稱之鬼
死後仍流六道中  受苦受災難以言
瑜珈焰口多殊勝  有法有人也有鬼
法師精通瑜珈法  人間眾生行此法
鬼道眾生享食法  故為三法和合生

鬼道眾生皆是因  過去身為人身時
不肯修福及修慧  造惡造業多造孽
死了變成可憐鬼  可憐可憐有誰憐
在生之時不信鬼  死後卻變流離鬼
今見眾鬼皆來會  方知鬼之有多少
千千萬萬無以計  在在處處都是鬼
你卻不信真有鬼  信與不信皆由你
不在人身多行善  死後變鬼就知了

Ghosts of all different shapes and appearances came  to join the Dharma Assembly. The multitude of  ghosts was just like a crowd of people except that  they lacked flesh and blood, and were mostly  floating apparitions. We sincerely invited Gwan Shr  Yin Bodhisattva, for the Buddha had transmitted this  Dharma of offering food to Gwan Shr Yin  Bodhisattva in ages past. Holding the pure vase in  his left hand, and touching its rim with his right  hand, the ceremony leader visualized Gwan Shr Yin  Bodhisattva appear and fill the temple with a great  light of kindness radiating from her body.  Surrounding Gwan Yin Bodhisattva were many little  boys with round bellies and lovable, innocent,  smiling faces, just like the depictions of the Youth  Good Wealth. The leading Dharma Master recited  the spiritual mantra over the bell and pestle, to  symbolize propagating the Dharma with great  wisdom and subduing demons with great power.  Next he recited the mantra of the twelve causal  conditions, enabling all living beings to contemplate  the twelve causal conditions and experience the  emptiness of the original nature. All the ghosts and  spirits were able to take refuge in the Triple Jewel.  The Buddha is perfect in enlightenment and conduct, but wishes to expediently help others. By taking  refuge in the Buddha one avoids falling into the  hells. The Dharma is classified into three vehicles  and into sudden and gradual, different means of  enlightening to truth. By taking refuge in the  Dharma one can avoid the suffering of hungry  ghosts. The Sangha is the people who transmit the  Dharma and vow to save living beings. One who  takes refuge in the Sangha can avoid the suffering  of the animals' realm.)

The Dharma Master made the mudras for chasing  away and subduing demons, and then the fire-wheel  mudra to get rid of the demons and bring forth great  radiance, undisturbed by trouble. The Dharma  Master then recited a mantra to purify the temple  and enable everything to be successful. The Dharma  Master making the food offering next made a great  Bodhi resolve, vowing that all living beings in the  Dharma Realm simultaneously attain Proper and  Equal Enlightenment. Next he shook the bell to  summon the ghosts, and blessing the sweet dew  water with the power of the Triple Jewel, the mantra  opened the throats of the ghosts and quelled the fire  of their evil karma so that they could obtain the  coolness of sweet dew. The desolate spirits all happily received the offering of food and Dharma,  and then the Yoga Ceremony for Liberating Flaming  Mouth drew to an perfect close.


A ghost is a person after death
What remains after the flesh and blood are gone 
Human beings themselves acknowledge 
That a human body has blood and flesh
And are afraid of that which is bloodless and  fleshless.
But they still don't want to really believe
That after a person dies there is still the spiritual  consciousness
This spiritual consciousness is what is called a ghost. 
After death, it continues to wander in the Six Paths 
Suffering pain and disasters which are hard to speak  of.
How supreme is the Yoga Ceremony for Flaming 
Mouths With Dharma, with people, and also with ghosts.
1. The Dharma Masters are skilled in the Yogacharya Dharma
2. Human beings perform this Dharma
3. Beings in ghostly realm enjoy the food and Dharma 
Thus the three dharmas are produced in harmony.


Most of  the beings in the ghostly path are there because
When they had human bodies
They did not want to cultivate blessings and wisdom 
They did evil deeds, committed crimes and created evil karma
So after death they became pitiful ghosts
Pitiable, pitiable, but who pities them?
When alive, they did not believe in ghosts. 
After death they became wandering ghosts.
Today, seeing all the ghosts come to the assembly 
One can know how many ghosts there are. 
Thousands, tens of thousands, they cannot be calculated;
In every place there are ghosts!
You may not believe there really are ghosts; 
Whether you believe or not is up to you.
If you fail to practice many good deeds while you have a human body
When you become a ghost after death then you'll


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