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為建議先設立法界佛教大學研究院致 宣公上人書
楊富森博士 文
Letter to Venerable Master Hsuan Hua ‑
Suggesting the Establishing of
Dharma Realm Buddhist University's Graduate School
By Dr. Richard F. S. Yang


  近月以來, 數次與吾公會談,獲益良深。 甚佩吾公除在美國宣揚佛法普渡眾生之外, 尚欲創辦學校、 改善教育、 挽救社會頹風, 用心良苦。 愚對佛法一竅不通, 須請我公時時教導, 以啟愚鈍。 然對美國高等教育設施, 稍有經驗,願將愚見所及,獻呈我公參考。

一、 美國高等教育機構, 名稱不同, 制度也不盡同

 名稱有 「 大學 」、 「 學院 」 及「 研究院 」 等等, 制度則有四年制與兩年制之分。 四年制稱大學, 畢業生可獲得 「 學士 」 學位,二年制學生則只能獲得 「 文憑 」或 「執照 」, 不得學位。 「 研究院 」 的制度與方針又與一般 「 大學 」 或 「 學院 」不同, 因為研究院是專門性質的, 具有超然的 「品格 」 而能獨立存在。 美國四年制的大學要求極高, 依照美國教育法, 四年制的大學必須設立三個學院 ( 一般是文學院、 理學院,和法學院,也可以有教育學院、社會工作學院、商學院、醫學院等;不過後者多是研究院性質);而且每個學院必須有三個以上的學系,如此方能立案、辦學、授予學位等。 愚意以為法界佛教大學不能仿效四年制的「大學」,而應先辦研究院,成為一個具有專門、獨立條件的學府。這樣辦起來,輕而易舉,沒有很多的困難了。

二、創立研究院的具體計劃 此項建議,如經我公同意,則請將具體計劃,述之於後,供我公參考。




For the Venerable Master's Virtuous Reflection :

I benefited tremendously from the few meetings we had  during the past few months. I admire deeply that in the  United States you have not only propagated Buddha  Dharma and vastly crossed over living beings, you have  also founded schools, with a wish to reform education  and rescue society from its decadent state. You have  truly set yourself an arduous task. Since I do not  understand Buddhism at all, I must request my master's  frequent teaching so that a dull sort like me can be  encouraged. I do, however, have some experience in the  programs of higher education in the United States, and I  would like to present my views for your reference.

A、The Organizations for Higher Education in the  States have Different Names and Systems

The names include: university, college, and graduate  school etc.; and there are four-year systems and two- year systems. The four-year system is called  "university", and the students can get "bachelors"  degrees upon graduation, while students under two-year  system can only get "diplomas" or "certificates," but not  degrees. The systems and guidelines for "graduate  schools" are different from "universities" or "colleges"  since graduate schools are specialized and have unique  characteristics, thus they are separate and independent  from the others. The requirements for a four-year  university in the States are very high. According to the  laws for education, a four-year university must have  three colleges (they usually are: literature, science, and law colleges; they can also include education, social  work, business, and medical colleges etc., however,  most of the latter are graduate schools). Further, each  school must have at least three departments. Only then  can the school be established and degrees awarded.

In my opinion, Dharma Realm Buddhist University  can not go for a four-year university. It should start  with a graduate school and become a speicalized and  independent institution. This way it can be easily  established and will not meet too many difficulties.

B. Specific Plans for Establishing a Graduate School

If my master agrees with this suggestion, I will  describe below the specific plans for your review.

(a)  Establishing a graduate school can bypass the step of  "university", thus saving a lot of trouble. Graduate  schools only accept students with bachelor's degrees, or  people who have equivalent education and/or working experience.

(b)  The graduate school can offer a number of special  courses such as: Buddhist studies, Chinese cultural  studies, or other special studies. In other words, the  graduate school can have special courses for the  investigation of Buddhism, Chinese culture etc. Each  special course can also be divided into difference  classes. For example, the study of Buddhism can be  further divided into the study of Buddhist sutras,  Buddhist history, and the translation of Buddhist sutras  etc. The study of Chinese culture can also be divided  into several specialties such as: Chinese language and  literature, Chinese philosophy, and Chinese art. On top  of these, we can also offer training classes for Chinese  teachers (to train teachers for elementary and high  schools), and others such as evening school which can  offer calligraphy, painting, cooking ( vegetarians only  of course), Tai-Chi boxing, Chi-Kung, as well as  traditional Chinese medicine and herbalism.

To be continued


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea