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宣公上人一九九三年七月四日開示於萬佛聖城 City of Ten Thousand Buddha on July 4, 1993
昆仲 記錄 Transcribed by Kun Jung

我們 現在要把學校都辦好了,育良小學、培德中學、法界大學都要把它維新改良,令學生學到他們所應該學的:首先要孝順父母,第二就要尊重師長,不要像一般學校的學生,居然拿槍把老師給打死;又像那些沒有教育的孩子,居然就要把爸爸媽媽殺了。以前類似這個情形,也不能說大多,也不能說太少,結果這樣的學生到這兒學完了之後,也不殺爸爸媽媽,也不殺老師了,有這樣的學生,所以他們的父親母親、家庭的長輩,都很高興。

中學 -就要盡忠為國,要維護自己國家的尊嚴,而不侵略其他人的國家,因為這樣就會損失自己國家的人命財產不知多少,所以雖然把其他的國家侵略成功了,可是自己是得不償失,今老百姓受傷受得很厲害,所以這不是明智治國的人所應該有的。

大學 -我們就講仁義道德,就要怎麼樣在世界做一個好人,不要欺騙世界,不要對世界人不忠、不孝、不信、不仁、不義。對人對己都要本著仁義兩個字去做事。這是我們小學、中學、大學要改良維新社會教育一個簡略的總觀念。所以我們各位好好地愛惜青年的時間,來學習真正有用的道理。

Now we must pay attention to our schools:  Instilling Goodness,  Developing Virtue and Dharma Realm University. It is time to reform them and to improve the quality of our education so that students will learn what they should. The first thing we teach is to be filial and compliant to  one's parents. Second, we teach students to respect  their teachers and the elderly. We do not tolerate  certain students in ordinary schools who go so far as to  threaten to kill their parents. In the past we had some  students with a similar tendency in our school, but after  they had studied there for a while they didn't want to  kill parents or teachers any longer. Because they  changed, the parents and the elders in the family were  all pleased.

In our high school, students must learn to be devoted  to their country. They learn to protect the integrity of  their own country and not to invade others' countries.  Invasions and aggression take numerous lives and  destroy an enormous amount of peoples' property. It is  possible to make a successful invasion, yet what you  gain does not match what you lose, especially in terms  of the human lives that are injured or lost. Military  aggression shouldn't be the policy of a wise leader.

In the university, we teach morality and humaness,  how to be a good person, and how not to deceive  people. We teach students they shouldn't be un-loyal,  unfilial, untrustworthy, unbenevolent, or unrighteous to  the people in the world. We should use humaness and  righteousness as we deal with ourselves and with  others. This is a general outline of our educational  reform. I hope that all of you will treasure the time in  your youth and will learn something true and  worthwhile.


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