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慈祥代天宣化 忠孝為國敎民

On behalf of Heaven,proclaim and transform with kindness. For the country,teach the people to be loyal and filial.


一九八八年九月二十三日 宣化上人開示 by Venerable Master Hsuan-hua on 9/23/1988
一九九三年三月十日 蠡癡老叟譯述 Interpretation by Old Mr.Li-chr on 3/10/1993

世間人類 真正的絕症並不是愛死病或癌症;真正的絕症應該是教育破產,斯文掃地,師生個個吸毒,互相欺騙,男女學生們恣情縱慾,狼狽為奸,使得一座清幽美好的校園成了一個販毒走私的市場;一座莊嚴肅穆的學府成了一個煙花柳巷的火坑。

為了 杜絕這種極其嚴重的病患,人們不求根治的辦法,而捨本求末讓避孕藥品流行,結果無非是「揚湯止沸」(意思是:把熱水舀上來揚開,再落回鍋裡,以為這樣就可以令水涼了),而同性愛的彼此摧殘,更是妖魔鬼怪橫行世間的怪現象,人們簡直防不勝防,禍害達到了極點。

少年 兒童幼小的心靈受到環境的污染,青年壯年的志氣也遭到腐風敗俗的傷害。一個人這樣做,大夥兒都跟著這樣做;大國這種現象普遍風行,小國也紛紛仿效。於是一棵正在茁壯成長的幼苗沒等到成熟就枯焦而死;許多莘莘向學(意思是:努力求學)的青少年學生都被引入歧途,而不能回返,結果是病入膏肓(意思是:索命鬼已經在膏之上、肓之下—心肺之間的致命處,什么人也不能治了)、無藥可醫(意思是:沒有任何藥物能夠治好),最後走上死亡的道路,而不知反悔。唉,真讓人悲哀啊!這是誰的過錯呢?誰的過錯呀?

The truly fatal illness of humans in the world is not  AIDS or cancer, but the  bankruptcy of education. In  schools now the decadence of  our intellectuals can be seen  in the teachers who take drugs  with their students, and in the mutual deceit that is fostered between people. For example,  children are instructed who to form relationships, so that  boy and girl students learn to indulge in careless sexual  conduct. This turns a quiet and beautiful school campus into  a market-place for selling drugs; it makes a serene and  adorned place of learning a pit of fire, a red-light district.

In our effort to eradicate this most serious disease, people  are searching through the branch tips and overlooking the  fundamental problem: we make contraceptives available for  students. This turns out to be no more effective than trying  to stop water in a pot from boiling by dipping it out one  spoonful at a time - a stupid and ineffective way of solving a  problem. Moreover, homosexuality mutually harms and  destroys its partners. This is another weird situation that  shows the existence of demons and ghosts running amok in  the world. The harm to the world done by this practice can  no longer be prevented, the damage they have caused is  extreme!

Children's minds are easily tainted by their environment.  The character and the will power of teenagers has already  been harmed by the corrupt and rotten habits they witness in  society. A person's behavior encourages others to imitate  him. For rampant sexuality and homosexuality to be so  popular in this major nation willcertainly influence smaller  countries to follow without hesitation. A ripening young  sprout, consequently, gets dried out before it has a chance to  mature. Hard-working students get led astray in large  numbers and are unable to return to the path of goodness  again. This is a serious disease which enters the vital region  between the heart and the diaphragm, and there is no  medicine whice can cure it. Finally, these children will walk  on the path of death and we still don't know enough to  repent. Oh, how sorrowful it is! Whose fault is this? Whose  fault?


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