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Ven. Master Hua's Talk on July 4, 1993 at the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
蓮廉 記錄 Transcibed by Incorruptible






抱定我們三大宗旨, 下聯是:




可是在萬佛城的人,有幾個真懂得三大宗旨、一脈心傳,和「不爭、不貪、不求、不自私、不自利、不打妄語」這六大宗旨、六大條件、六大條款?有幾個人真明白,真了解,真實行這六大條款、三大宗旨、一脈心傳?不要說去實行這幾種,甚至於記不 記得?都不記得。你說在萬佛聖城住著這麼久,這最簡單的佛法都沒學會,那在這裡究竟學什麼呢?啊!學吃一餐?這吃一餐不必學,誰都會的。學搭衣?這搭衣也誰都會搭的,也不必學。那麼最低限度這三大宗旨、六大條款、一脈心傳,都應該熟讀默記,融會貫通,然後才夠資格在萬佛城住。你連這個都不懂,在這裡混光陰,這到底有什麼價值?這是一點。









Don't Solicit Offerings Everywhere

In the Dharma Ending Age, all people are infected by thoughts of greed. It's become a serious matter now. Left- home people are prone to greed, and lay people are even more  so. Because of greed, left-home people beg for gifts and  offerings everywhere they go. They do it to the point  whenever a lay person sees a left-home person coming, he  gets scared and runs away, just as if he had seen a monster or  a ghost. The resourceful left-home person, however, has many  effective ways to handle the lay person who tries to escape.  Even though he has run far away, the left-home person will  catch him and pursue his affinities. People in the Dharma  Ending Age are quite prone to creating this serious problem.

Cultivators of the Way, in the past, those who lived in the  mountains and the wilderness, did not want to see anybody,  and would seek for nothing. They led a simple lives in the  mountains, planting some vegetables for food, and as long as  they don't starve to death again this year, that was fine. A  true cultivator would never beg for alms everywhere he goes.  It's not only men who go begging nowadays, but also the  women, who are seeking for things. What kind of a world has  this place become! It really surpasses my understanding! At  every hand, people are climbing upon conditions, begging for  alms, and seeking for affinities.

When I came to the United States, I knew what was  happening and wanted to change things. So my principles  were,

   "Freezing to death, we do not scheme.
   Starving to death, we do not beg.
   Dying in poverty, we ask for nothing.
   We accord with the conditions, but never waver;
   We remain steadfast, yet accord with every situation; 
   These are our three great principles.
   We dedicate our lives to do the Buddhas' work.
   We forge our lives as our basic duty.
   We rectify our lives to fulfill the Sanghan's role.
   We express our ideals within our daily affairs,
   So that within our daily affairs, our ideals shine forth. 
   In this way we continue unbroken the legacy of the 
       Patriarch's mind. "

These are the Three Great Principles and this is how I  propagated the Dharma.

The Spirit of the Sagely City

But how many of you people at the Sagely City of Ten  Thousand Buddhas really understand the Three Principles,  which is the lineage of the Patriarch's mind, and our Six  Rules: no fighting, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, no  pursuing self-benefit, and no lying? How many people here at  the City really understand these things, and really put them  into practice?  Not to speak of actually practicing them, how  many of you remember the names of these simple Dharmas?  You all have forgotten them. And if you don't remember  them, what are you doing here, after such a long time? You  could say, "I am here learning how to eat one meal a day."  You don't need to study to learn that. You could say "I am learning how to wear my precept robe." Well, that's another  thing you don't need to study. If you want to have the  qualifications to live here, you have to be at least familiar  with and able to memorize these Three Principles, which is  the lineage of the Patriarch's mind, and the Six Rules which  you must understand thoroughly. If you don't understand  these teachings, and you are simply passing the time away,  then what value is there in your living here? So that is one  point I want to make.

People who live at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas  have to pay attention to the Three Principles, the Lineage of  the Patriarch's mind, and to the Six Rules. This is the bottom  line, the minimum requirement that everyone must put into  practice and pay attention to. And if time permits, you should  memorize the Shurangama Sutra, the Dharma Flower Sutra,  and the Flower Adornment Sutra. If anyone of you can recite them all, then you are really a cultivator at the City of Ten  Thousand Buddhas. You are qualified to be a member at the  City, a member among the Ten Thousand Buddhas. Let's ask  ourselves which one here has memorized them well?  Someone is saying, "Venerable Master, you have never told us to do this; how would we know?" Do I have to tell you to  do this? At the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, if you want to  bring the ten thousand Buddhas to accomplishment, then you  must have first completed the requirements, which need not  be taught. Who taught the Buddha back in his time?  Therefore, all of us must courageously advance and bring  forth a Bodhi mind. Some residents here lived at the City, but  then left after a while; some went to exploit their  environment, here and there. Some returned to lay life, too.  Driven by their desires, these people couldn't bear it anymore  and left the Sangha. Some tried to get rich because of a desire  for wealth; some went to chase women out of a desire for sex.  Some women went back to lay life, because of men. Such  people can't see through or let go of any of these things, thus  they went back to lay life.

The Dregs of Buddhism

What's more, there are people who before they came here,  claimed that they admired the City of Ten Thousand  Buddhas, how they respected the cultivation at the City. They  also announced that they followed the rule at the City to eat  only one meal a day. They are putting on airs, but are they really eating one meal a day? Or are they simply advertising  for themselves that way. Even if they really do eat one meal a  day, there is no need to tell people about it. Once they tell the  public, there must be something goes wrong. You may  advertise that you are like the cultivators at the City of Ten  Thousand Buddhas who eat only one meal a day. Yet who  knows whether or not you are eating food on the sly? Will  they tell you if they steal food?

You also put on an act by wearing the precept sash, to  show off that you are someone from the City of Ten  Thousand Buddhas. This way you announce to the world, "I  have been to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. I learned  such and such a Dharma there. So and so at the City  generated my internal energy, and when I caught on, I was  able to understand the mind and see the self-nature and I became enlightened." Why would he say so, if he wasn't  trying to cheat people? I wouldn't buy his story in any case. I  don't know how to generate my energy, or how to pull it back.  How could I accept such flattery? With his eyes staring wide  open, he was telling a bold lie that he had gotten some kind of responses. He said "Gwan Yin Bodhisattva instructed me,  Earth Store Bodhisattva told me something, Manjusri  Bodhisattva rubbed my head, Universal Worthy Bodhisattva  blessed me. So I have spiritual ability, I can do such and such,  and I want to go all over the place to take people across."  Actually, if you go everywhere to take people across, can you  claim to have crossed yourself over? You still have thoughts  of greed, of fighting, of selfishness, of self-benefit, and of  seeking. You are creating false speech and bragging about  yourself, day after day. How can you have this response and  that response? I don't believe that anyone who really has had a  spiritual response would make it known to others, or advertise  himself . He wouldn't want anybody to know at all. What is  the point of spreading such news? If you tell a stupid person,  he will believe whatever you say. If you tell an intelligent  person, he wouldn't believe you in any case. All of you  should pay attention to this point.

Anyone who praises himself and disparages others or feels  arrogant, to the point he thinks he is superior to everyone else,  is already finished. He is the dregs of Buddhism. What does  that mean? The dregs of Buddhism refers to people who are  arrogant, full of self-praise and slander of others, people who  are jealous and who obstruct others. They are devils who want  to cause Buddha-Dharma to disappear more quickly. There is  no way such types could ever get close to the borders of the  Proper Dharma.

No true cultivator will try to be special or try to startle the  world with some kind of outrageous, deceitful ideas. It would  never happen. A real cultivator always conceals himself and  never shows off. Why would he publicize himself? Why do  you want people to believe in you? Do you people who have  come to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas really want to  know the spirit of the City? Can you fulfill it? The spirit of  the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the Three  Principles, the Lineage of the Patriarch's mind and the Six  Rules. Anyone of you who has lived in the City, or who  newly arrived and want to stay here for a long time, should feel great shame and not lie and boast of your  accomplishments like others do who live outside of the City.

Money Obstructs Cultivation

I said that left-home people crave for affinities and lay  people crave for merit and virtue. When they hear that  someone is a cultivator, they make offerings to him. Or, if  they hear that someone is recognized as cultivating the Way  seriously and sincerely, without laxness, lay people will  hurriedly go and venerate him and make donations. Before he  received their offerings, this left-home person may have been  okay; he actually cultivated the Way. After he received the  offerings and became rich he was capable of doing anything.  What was he suddenly able to do? He could do every bad  thing there was to do, extravagantly, in a dissipated and  dissolute way: he drank, ate, gambled, and made merry. He  didn't have to put forth any effort, because he used the money  you lay people donated. If he had not spent it all recklessly,  that would really have been a mistake. You see, your  donations stuffed this cultivator's stomach full of deviant  knowledge and views, and he could not cultivate any longer.  Would you say that you have created more merit and virtue or  more offenses? So after he died and fell into the hells, he went  to King Yama to file a law suit. King Yama said to him,  "What right do you have to sue anybody? You have been  frequenting brothels, gambling and drinking. You deserve to  fall into hell." He said, "At first I was not leading this kind of  life as a left-home person. I cultivated the Way properly;  however, some ignorant lay men and women came to make  offerings to me. When I had so much money that there was  nothing I could not do. All because of them, I was able to  commit these offenses. Now I have fallen into hell, and by  rights, they should be here, too." King Yama answered, "I  cant do that." "King Yama, you are unfair. Obviously, they  are the ones who have sent me here. How come don't have any  blame, and only I am guilty? I won't accept this. I request an  appeal." he says.

To be continued


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