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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors


蠡癡老叟譯述 一九九三年三月十日 INTERPRETATION BY OLD MR. LI-CHR ON MARCH 10, 1993.








Chang Dz Fang, his surname was Chang,  his first name was Liang, and Dz Fang was  his alias. He was born in the country of Han  in the Chin dynasty. Five generations of his  ancestors were all prime ministers in the  country of Han.

When he was young, he was a chivalrous  person which means he had the heart of  bravery, generosity, and righteousness. He  had a very unrestrained character. On his  own, he studied the basic knowledge for  both literary men and military generals, and  he gained much from it.

After the Chin dynasty had entirely  swallowed up six neighbouring countries,  including the country of Han, Dz Fang  schemed to assassinate the emperor of the  Chin dynasty, in order to take revenge and  to avenge the insult to the country.  Unfortunately, he failed, and could only  escape far away, wandering and making the  world his home.

One time, when he was walking on the Chi  bridge, he met an old man who deliberately  threw his shoes over the railing. Seeing this,  Dz Fang ran under the bridge, picked up the  shoes and respectfully returned them to the  old man. It turned out that the old man was  an extremely well-known master in military  strategy, whose name was Hwang Shr-gung.  Master Hwang regarded Dz Fang as one who  could be taught, and thereupon transmitted  the skill of military strategy to Dz Fang.

After learning the skill of military strategy from Master Hwang, Dz Fang served under Lyou Bang (Emperor Gau of the Han), and became a famous strategist. He could be considered "wise and resourceful", as he had great wisdom and far-reaching stratagems. He was able to "prepare schemes in the tent, and decide who would be the victor over a thousand miles away." (Just by sitting in his tent and arranging the strategy, he could  decide who would win and lose the battle  fought than a thousand miles away.) The  emperor of Han Lyou Bang had deep faith in  him. He became one of the three heroes of  that period. Shau He and Hen Syin were the  other two heros.

Dz Fang assisted Emperor Han to destroy  the countries of Chin and Chu, and helped  the Han dynasty lay down a solid foundation  in the world. Because Dz Fang had foresight,  he decided to "retire after achieving  success". He accomplished great merit for  the country, and then retired. He was no  longer confused by worldly wealth, honor,  and splendour; carefree, he went to cultivate  in the mountains, to "purify the mind and  reduce his desires."

We could call him one of the great heroes of  all time, one who knew the right time to do  the right thing. There is a saying: a great  man knows how to ride the tide of his times.  This is also to say that If one could truly  understand the direction of his times and the  circumstance of the world, one will be able  to choose the right path to walk.


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