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The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra with Commentary

宣化上人講述 Commentary by Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by International Translation Institute

「如露亦如電」,就好像露似的,你一早起來看是有露水,可是太陽出來一照,就沒有了。電光、石火也是不常的。「應作如是觀」,應該像這樣子的看法,你若能這樣的看法,天空地闊,你的心量有天那麼大,有虛空那麼廣大,無拘無束,無罣無礙。無罣礙就是無有恐怖,你為什麼怕?怕的是什麼?我怎麼不怕呢?我生來就是什麼都不怕,我告訴你,無論是死人、活人,是妖精,是什麼鬼怪,什麼我都不怕,甚至於老虎、獅子,你放一隻老虎在這兒,我敢把牠的毛給拔下來,要不要試一試?為什麼呢?這就因為無罣礙,無所罣礙,怎麼樣都可以,所以我去年就對你們講,我說: Everything's O.K. 為什麼能這樣?一切都是如露、如電、如夢、幻、泡、影,那你還罣礙什麼?無罣礙,所以就無有恐怖。今天果寧對我講,說大家想請法,請講《心經》。講《心經》最好了,所以我不會等你們請,我就答應,好!我一定給你們講。《心經》上就說「無罣礙」,什麼也不罣,什麼也不礙,所以就無有恐怖。無有恐怖才能遠離顛倒;遠離顛倒,也就遠離夢想。我說我不怕老虎,不是我口頭上講的我不怕老虎,你不信,你若有辦法拿一隻老虎來,我就有辦法和這隻老虎在一起打坐參禪。


Like dew drops and a lightning flash. If you look outside early in the morning you will find dew, but after sunrise the dew will have disappeared. The light from a flash of lightning or from the striking together of two stones is also fleeting. Contemplate them thus. You should look upon all conditioned things in this way. If you do, then heaven will be empty and the earth will be void. The measure of your heart will be as vast as the heavens and as broad as empty space, free of impediments. Without impediments there is no fear. Why should you be afraid? What is it you are afraid of? Why is it that I am not afraid? I have never been afraid of anything from the moment I was born. Dead men, living men, ghosts and goblins, tigers, lions--I fear none of them. Bring me a tiger and I would dare to pluck out one of its hairs. Try it out. I can be this way because I have no obstructions. With me, everything is alright. That's why last year, I said to you all, "Everything's O.K." Why is that so? If everything is like dew drops and a lightning flash, like dreams, illusions, bubbles, or shadows, then what can obstruct you? There are no obstructions, and so there is no fear. Today Gwo Ning told me everyone wanted to request the Dharma. They wanted to ask me to lecture on the Heart Sutra. The Heart Sutra is the best thing to lecture on, so without waiting for you all to ask me, I have already said, "Yes, I will definitely lecture on the Heart Sutra for you." The Heart Sutra says, "When there are no impediments there is no fear." With no fear, "Upside-down dream-like thoughts are left far behind." Therefore I say, "I do not fear tigers." If you do not believe me, bring in a tiger and I'll sit in meditation beside it.

to be continued


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