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News from the Dharma Realm

  筵歡幼長 樂快同大 餐聚西東





































East and West congregate, in the happiness of perfect unity,
at a joyful banquet for old and young.

Bold-headed and without eyebrows, his silvery beard flying freely,
the God of Longevity descends to offer congratulations on this birthday.
With noble ears and broad foreheads, in utter devotion and loyalty,
the eminent ones of the ten directions join the banquet to continue the lineage.

At the dragon palace in Los Angeles, sweet dew moistens everything, and
the virtue matches Heaven and Earth.
At Long Beach Sagely Monastery, Dharma rain benefits all beings, and
the Tao penetrates ancient and modern times.

Composed by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua for the occasion


A Poem Commemorating the Birthday at Long Beach
By Dharma Master Heng Ruey

The light of the Buddha blazes like the sun;
The birthday pair illumine each another.
We solemnly wish you long life.
At the same age, you are both replete with blessings and wisdom.

Distinguished guests gather like clouds
At the scene of wonderful delight in Long Beach
In the vegetarian banquet and Dharma feast,
The Sangha and laity celebrate together.

Students offer up their gifts,
And the donors sing Buddhist hymns.
The Honored Chancellor recites his verse
And our Guiding Master replies with a poem.

The clouds reveal auspicious omens
As people come to the celebration from all directions.
Hope we all meet again
In the three Dragon-flower Assemblies!


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea