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慈祥代天宣化 忠孝為國敎民

On Behalf of the Heavens, Proclaim and Transform with Kindness. For the Sake of the Country, Teach the People to be Loyal and Filial.


宣化上人主講於一九八八年九月十六日 / Composed by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua on September 16,1988
蠡癡老叟譯述於一九九三年三月十日 / Interpretation by Old Mr. Li-chr on March 10, 1993

如果人類想避免遭受世風日下、亡國滅種的浩劫,那我們必須斧底抽薪,從頭作起,改變方針,以身作則。尤其是各國的元首、達官貴人們,更應該帶頭作表率模範,不貪錢、不好色,要潔身自愛,先改正自己,然後再教化他人,古人所說的「上有好者,下必有效焉者矣。」意思是: 上面的人(指舊日的君主或現代的領袖)有什麼愛好,下面的人(指普通老百姓)也會效法的。古人又說過:「君子之德風,小人之德草,草上之風必偃。」(意思是:君子的品德像是風,而小人的品德像是草;草上的風可以把草壓下去。)我深深地希望現代的教師、學者、宗教界的人士、醫生、律師和科學家們,都能為人類服務,不要求任何酬報。如果真地能夠這樣的話,那麼世界上就不會再有戰爭,人類才會享受真的幸福,人們如果真地做到不爭、不貪、不求、不自私、不自利、不打妄語,那麼,即使世界不要求和平,和平自然而然就會到來。假如你們不相信,請你們大家無妨試試看。

If we want to avert the worldwide decline of morality, the downfall of nations and the extinction of mankind, we must find a fundamental solution, make a fresh start, change the policy, and be good models for others. In particular, national leaders and top government officials must take the lead, setting an example by not craving wealth and sensual pleasures, and by honoring their own integrity. We must first reform ourselves and before we can teach and influence others. The ancients said, "The preferences of the ruler will certainly be adopted by their subordinates." That is to say, no matter what the ruler is fond of, be he an emperor of the past or a present-day leader, the civilians below will follow his example. The ancients also said, "The virtue of a superior person is like the wind, while the virtue of a lowly person is like the grass. The grass must bend when the wind blows." The breeze blowing across the grass makes it bend over. I sincerely hope that today's teachers, scholars, clergymen, doctors, lawyers and scientists will serve humanity without asking for any reward. If you can really do that, then there will be no more wars in the world and humanity will enjoy true happiness. If we can successfully refrain from fighting, being greedy, seeking, being selfish, pursuing personal benefit, and telling lies, then even if the world does not want to be peaceful, there will still be peace. If you don't believe it, I implore you to give it a try!


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