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Bodhi Path

A Hundred-Year-Old High Master Unselfishly Sacrificed Himself;
A Thousand-Year-Old Monastery Is Restored After Disaster.

記四川樂至報國寺離欲禪師 Records regarding Chan Master Li Yu of Bau Gwo Monastery in Le Jr County of Sz Chwan Province.
妙首 文 By Myau Shou





(continued from last issue)

The Master did, in fact, enter samadhi for seven days and nights. When he came out of samadhi and saw that the Dharma assembly wasn't over yet, he reentered samadhi for three more days. Everyone in the assembly was astounded and awed. The President and the assembled faithful took refuge with him on the spot. The Master used the Dharma to teach and save them, and to create expansive good affinities. He worked hard to repair the monastery, including the main hall, the Tripitaka hall, the Abbot's quarters, and the east-west corridors and rooms. When the renovation was almost complete, the Master left and went elsewhere.

In 1935 the Master went to Rung Cheng, where it happened that a former high officer in the Sz-chwan army, named Fan Sao, was suffering from a bullet wound in his shoulder, which had become infected and was excruciatingly painful. The hospital recommended amputation, but the high officer refused. A French doctor was invited in to cure the wound. His fee was $400 for each visit and he visited for forty days, but the pain was only more intense. One time at the Chou family residence, Officer Fan unexpectedly met Chan Master Li Yu and asked him to cure the wound. As they talked, the Master casually handed the high officer two sweet dates. Shortly after Officer Fan ate them, his pain decreased. That night he awoke to find the pain all gone and he felt like there was something resting on his shoulder. He reached up to remove it and Lord? and behold! It was the bullet! He was astonished and tremendously grateful. Thereupon he made an offering of $100,000 to the Master.

To be continued


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