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Reflections in Water and Mirrors:
Turning Back the Tide of Destiny

宣化上人著 Composed by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute

白 起    一九八八年八月二十六日





秦將白起 無人有己
用兵善戰 殘酷莫比
活埋降卒 死墮地獄
蜈蚣豬身 病女之體


一 將 成 功 萬 鬼 哭
秦 時 白 起 被 雷 誅
虎 狼 獅 子 為 隊 伍
蜈 蚣 蛇 蠍 混 血 塗
傷 天 害 理 坑 降 眾
背 地 違 德 散 荼 毒
元 帥 統 兵 應 忠 恕
己 所 不 欲 勿 加 諸

Bai Chi          August 26, 1988

Bai Chi was a general of Chin during the Epoch of Warring States. Due to his frequent triumphs in battle, he was given the title One Who is Secure in Battle. In a war against the State of Jau at Chang Ping, he feigned defeat and retreated, and then cut off their supplies and laid siege to the troops of Jau. The Chin soldiers killed with an arrow the Commander-in-chief of Jau, General Jau Gwa, and then savagely buried alive the four hundred thousand soldiers who had surrendered. When Bai Chi later opposed the Emperor's orders, he was given a sword to cut his own throat. He was reborn in the three evil paths and underwent endless sufferings.

In the Tang Dynasty, at Fa Hai (Sea of Dharma) Monastery north of Beijing, Dharma Master Dau Ying saw two people enter the monastery at dawn one day. Since their feet did not touch the ground as they walked, he knew they were ghosts. The two ghosts begged for alms from him. The next day, the Dharma Master offered food, and the Chin Emperor led a multitude of three hundred ghosts, including Bai Chi, Wang Jyan and others, to partake of it.

In the Ming Dynasty, at San Mau Temple on Mount Wu, a foot-long white centipede was struck by lightning, and the two words Bai Chi appeared on its backbone. Another time, when a butcher slaughtered a pig, the five words "Bai Chi of Chin Dynasty" appeared on its skin. In the Ching Dynasty, a nineteen-year-old common girl from South of the Yang Dz River became gravely ill. On her deathbed, she said to herself, "I was Bai Chi in the Chin Dynasty, and I killed several hundred thousand people then. I underwent endless suffering in the hells and now I am a girl whose lifespan is twenty years." After saying this, she passed away. Bai Chi's suffering in the three evil paths will never come to an end. Lau Dz said, "Good and evil retribution follow one as a shadow follows a form." We can certainly believe it!

A verse of criticism says:
General Bai Chi of Chin Dynasty
Thought of no one but himself,
He was skilled in leading troops and waging war,
But his brutality was unsurpassed.
He buried soldiers alive after they surrendered
For which he fell into the hells at death,
Subsequently being reborn as a centipede, a pig and a sick girl.

Another verse says:
A general's success caused the myriad ghosts to weep.
Bai Chi of the Chin Dynasty was struck by lightning.
In the ranks of tigers, wolves and lions,
In the bloody mire with centipedes, snakes and scorpions,
He harmed the principle of Heaven by burying those who surrendered,
And opposed the virtue of Earth by spreading the brutality.
A commander-in-chief should be magnanimous.
Never do to others what you don't want others to do to you.





Groaning in the Sign of Sickness

Composed By Venerable Master Hua in the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas
December 25,1992

I linger on, breathing with difficulty, spending the remainder of my life
Amidst the suffering of old age and disease.
During the day, when I eat my meals it is like taking poison;
At night, I lie on the sickbed like a dead worm that has gone stiff.
In my dreams, I often encounter the Ghost of Impermanence;
When I awaken, I cannot find a god that can save my life.
Don't you know that life is a matter of going from one breath to the next?
Quickly return to the City of Pure and Ultimate Bliss!


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