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Focus On Education

慈祥代天宣化 忠孝為國教民
On Behalf of the Heavens, Proclaim and Transform with Kindness.
For the Sake of the Country, Teach the People to be Loyal and Filial.

恆通 文 By Heng Tung

The Venerable Master Hua

前 言





歡迎您投稿和批評與建議,只要契合教育宗旨,令人發菩提心的文字,不拘散文、詩篇、雜記、論述… 或圖畫。我們並無稿酬回報,就是以真心換真心,為教育的百年大業做不敢希望的希望,做不可努力的努力。


The Venerable Master Hua says, "Wherever we go, that place is a school. There is no place that is not a place for learning; and there is no time that is not a time for learning." People need education like fish need water. People abide between the Heavens and the Earth, with the universe as the main campus and also the university of the Dharma Realm. Such a school has no fixed campus; every inch of space is Dharma Realm University's branch campus. There is no fixed curriculum. Every moment of time is an opportunity to put true principle into practice. Nor is anyone especially designated as a professor or instructor; every living being, every incident, every thing is simultaneously functioning as both a teacher and a student, who help each other improve and help each other succeed. Education is beginningless and endless: no starting date, nor holidays, nor graduation.

In the school of the Dharma Realm, the required course is filiality. All teachings cannot be apart from filiality. What departs from filiality cannot be considered teaching. When all of the infinite lessons to be learned in the universe are summed up, they do not go beyond this one lesson. This class also contains within it limitless and boundless lessons. If we perfect this lesson, all the other lessons will be perfected too.

The Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is a miniature of this Dharma Realm University which encompasses the vast scope of education--for elders, education for young children, education for adolescents, education for men, education for women, education for Sangha members, education for laity; worldly education; and Buddhist education...too many kinds to be named--because there is not a single living being that this University is not concerned about. For that reason the educators at this University are volunteer. It is the education of one's own nature. Such education involves actual practice. Such education is involved with not fighting, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, no pursuit of self-benefits, and no lying. Once we are based in filiality, we will no longer waste our efforts on superficial things.

Starting this month, the feature "Focus On Education" will be introduced, to direct readers' attention to people and events that exemplify worthiness, virtue, non-contention with the world, and practice of good deeds, at this time when the world is full of crises and deviant knowledge and views. We hope in this way to keep the mind pure and true, to preserve the purity of our own nature, and to learn to insist upon not going along with the mundane and vulgar. Although we have not done a very good job so far, we will try our best, sparing no sweat and blood, in a wish to cultivate this field of blessings of education with all people, approaching it from many angles, enlarging its scope, expanding our concern to reach throughout the world, combining everyone's original wisdom, so that together we adorn this Flower Treasury Way-Place, this holy land of Bodhi. In this way we can also perform a bit of our filial duty as children, even though it will be like a drop of water in the ocean. We also hope to repay the kindness of living being throughout the universe, who have long been providing us with volunteer education and nourishment.

Your contributions of articles, suggestions and criticism are welcome, as long as they relate to these principles of education and enable beings to bring forth the mind of Bodhi. You are welcome to contribute prose, poems, essays, discussions, drawings, photos... No remuneration will be given for contributions in any form. The only exchange will be a true heart for a true heart. We will hope against hope, and work for progress where no progress may be possible for the sake of the future of education.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea