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News from the Dharma Realm

Sangha Education Revives in China

文╱陳心平 By Chen Syin-Ping




Je-jyang Province, China-In the Southern Sung Dynasty, Dwo Bau (Many Jewels) Monastery was moved and rebuilt by Lung Syang (Flying Dragon) Temple, a subsidiary of Gwo Ching (National Purity) Monastery of Tyan Tai Mountain, Je-jyang. Now; at the request of Dharma Master Chin Ding, Dharma Master Jr Min has applied for and received permission to reconstruct the monastery.

Plans have also been made to establish a Buddhist Academy for training qualified Sangha members to serve in the eastern Je-jyang area. The six-year program includes core courses in the Abhidharmakosa Shastra, General Shastra of the Sequential Bodhi Path, Agama, Dharma Mark, Consciousness Only, and Madhyamika (Middle Contemplation).

Dharma Master Jr Min, who is in charge of the project, had served the Great Master Hai Deng at Wu Tai (Five Peaks) Mountain for many years, deeply touched by the latter's vast vow to "turn the Dharma Ending Age into the Proper Dharma Age." He believes the only way to teach the Sangha to follow the Dharma is to "study the Sutras, the Vinaya, and the Shastras, and practice the precepts, samadhi, and wisdom." He thereby emphasizes teaching through both words and deeds, and values a teacher's virtue in holding the precepts.

The four-fold assembly of Dwo Bau Lecture Monastery requests both the spiritual and material support of those concerned about Sangha education. Their address is: Gau Village, Gau Syan, San Meng Syan, Je-jyang Province, China (PROC).


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