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The Abbot of Dragon Flower Monastery in Shanghai:
Dharma Master Ming Yang

會法記錄 Compiled by Hwei Fa




Seventy-seven-year-old Dharma Master Ming Yang's layname was Syin-Tao, and he came from a literary family in Fukien Province. His father, a lawyer, was in the revolutionary movement that overthrew the late Ching Dynasty. His father died when he was only nine years old, and his bereaved mother came to Buddhism in search of a refuge. In the following year, his uncle who lived with them also passed away. Experiencing two deaths at such a young age, he developed a keen sense of the suffering of parting from loved ones, and began investigating the matter of birth and death. His search led him to accompany his mother to the Lay Buddhist Society to pray, make offerings, and attend Dharma lectures. At thirteen, Dharma Master Ming Yang became the only son of the Chen family after his elder brother died. However, he in-sisted on leaving the home-life, and wrote a letter seeking his mother's permission. In autumn of the following year, he left home under Dharma Master Ywan Ying.

After turning twenty-five, Dharma Master Ming Yang helped Dharma Master Ywan Ying write a commentary on the Shurangama Sutra in Ywan Ming Lecture Hall, establish the Shurangama Academy, and publish the Lecture Notes on the Shurangama Sutra.

In 1953, Dharma Master Ywan Ying became ill, and Dharma Master Ming Yang took care of him, personally preparing his medicines, until Dharma Master Ywan Ying went to rebirth. During the Cultural Revolution, Dharma Master Ming Yang fulfilled his filial duty by caring for his mother until she passed away.

After the Cultural Revolution, religious freedom was restored. In 1987, he was invited by the Venerable Master Hua to lead a delegation of over seventy Dharma Masters from Dragon Flower Monastery and Extensive Salvation Monastery to conduct the Water-Land-Air Ceremony at the Sagely City, a major historical event of western Buddhism. In 1989, he was invited to Sagely City again to assist in the transmission of the Three Platforms of Precepts.


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