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Demon-Pounding Pestle
The Record of The Dharma Protector’s Smashing of Demons


"I vow to always protect the right dharma and smash demon heads into 84,000 pieces."

In the first issue of Vajra Bodhi Sea, the "Demon-Cutting Sword" sliced many Demon Kings. With this second issue, I introduce the "Demon-Pounding Pestle", which subdues demons everywhere. You demons must all surrender now, lest I be even more severe in the future.

So that the perfection of the true Buddhadharma may quickly appear, unsoiled by the deluded and the confused, these principles must now be made clear:

All those who wish to succeed in realizing the utmost, right, equal and proper enlightenment of all Buddhas, must take refuge with the Triple Jewel: the Buddha; the Dharma; and the Sangha. In the world, the Sangha represents the Buddha by revealing the Dharma. Therefore to actually take refuge with the Buddha requires the assistance of a properly ordained Bhiksu of unquestionable virtue. Certainly one must not take refuge with gods, demons, or with those who seek enlightenment outside of the self-nature. Lay people who have already taken refuge, as well as those who have also taken the five precepts, do not have the right to represent the Buddha in accepting disciples who take refuge with the Triple Jewel.

Before now, no one in America has truly and properly understood the Buddhadharma. False teachers have spread counterfeit Dharma, and are unlike teachers of the True Dharma in four ways:

  1. In The Leng Yen Sutra, the Tathagata, speaking of the limited vision of such people, says, "It is as if one were to disregard the one hundred thousand clear and pure great seas, and recognize only the substance of a single bubble of foam, looking upon it as if it constituted all moisture, and as if it utterly exhausted all gulfs of the ocean. You are just the same, a doubly confused person among the confused."
  2. Confused and spun about by the myriad thoughts of desire, false teachers do not seek the Tathagata’s true principle.
  3. They are like those who have no eyes, yet claim to possess true vision, leading other blind people about in an endless maze.
  4. Because they have misunderstood cause and effect, hand–in-hand they wander into the Avici hells.

Although false teachers may appear to be Buddhists, it’s for sure that they are not. They may look like Taoists, but we know they are not Taoists. Are they Catholics, or Protestants perhaps? No! They resemble a cross–breed of platypus and phoenix, a strange and clumsy spectacle utterly incapable of flight. The Tathagata looks upon these people as truly the most pitiable.

Old Demon Kings! I know that you really don’t wish to listen because now you are greatly afflicted. You little demon kings certainly are endowed with even less spiritual power than the old demons; hearing this Dharma talk, you are undoubtedly scared to death. But I hope you are not actually frightened to death because all of you are able to return from falseness to the proper path. Walk out of the darkness and come towards the light! The Bhiksus and Bhiksunis will help you to truly understand the Buddhadharma, but only on one condition: you must abandon your demon doings. Otherwise you really needn’t bother to come. Moreover, if you don’t change for the good, this Demon–Pounding Pestle will knock you senseless. Accordingly, I have a gatha which says:

The Crooked can't subdue the flourishing of right Buddhadharma.
Supreme heroes leave darkness and emerge into light.
If not, they surely fall into Avici Hells.
This was proved long ago by Devedatta.

I have a mind of compassion for you demon kings, so you shouldn’t get angry. Ohh? So you say you are not a demon? Then why are you so upset?

–––Dharma Protector


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