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No.153目錄 Table of Contents
February 1983
-How to Recognize Demonic States and Deviant Samadhis -The Importance of Developing "Proper" Samadhi -Public Statement on Education -Depravity in Higher Education
Comments by Venerable Abbot Hua During the Opening Vegetarian Luncheon Plans to Build A Jeweled Stupa in Commemoration of Venerable Master Hsu Yun and A Pond for Liberating the Living Instructions to the First Bodhisattva Preceptees Opening of Gold,Wheel Monastery Buddhist News: Travel Section Gold Wheel Song Letters of Congratulation: Albert P. Beltrami & Alan Cranston
法界佛 教總會 │© 萬佛城金剛菩提海
Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │© Vajra Bodhi Sea