REQUESTING DHARMA ON THE MASTER'S BIRTHDAY -by Upasaka Kuo Chi Hopp The sutra is like a gem, within whose gleaming Facet's interlacing network are contained Endless deep and precious secret meanings And the means by which these treasures are attained. Long within the Dragon's Cave was hidden All its wondrous wealth from men not yet prepared; Now, by great good fortune we are bidden To partake in riches vast beyond compare. But if there is no source of light illumining, The jewel from common eyes would be concealed. And if within the light there is no turning, How could its myriad aspects be revealed? O Master, from your rare presence the needed brightness shines; And you the precious Dharma Jewel turn with awesome skill, Creating a brilliant display before our grateful eyes, Expanding meanings within, without, with further meanings still, And return the many to the One, eternally calm, Compassionately making manifest the ineffable Dharma Realm. |