Shown is one wing of Dharma Realm Buddhist University’s
Literary Science Building. |
at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the University was founded by the
Sino-American Buddhist Association in 1976. During its first year pilot
program, more and more faculty and students are being drawn to the unique
features of the University's programs. The three major schools are the Hsu Yun School of Buddhist Studies, the School of Letters and Science, and the School of Creative and Applied Arts. In addition, the University's special programs include the International Institute for the Translation of Buddhist Texts, the World Religions Center, and the University Museum. The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas itself is located below Wonderful Enlightenment Mountain, part of the Cow Mountain Recreation Area. A discrete Buddhist village conjunct with the town of Talmage and a few minutes drive from the city of Ukiah, the City is rapidly becoming a center for world Buddhism and an international center for world religions. In addition to the University and the monastic complex, the City will house Instilling Virtue Schools, a home for the aged, and a home for youths. For information and applications write Dharma Realm Buddhist University, City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, PO Box 217, Talmage, California, 95481. IMPORTANT DATESJanuary 1, 1978-last day to apply for admission for spring 1978 January 23, 1978-spring semester begins June 1, 1978-last day to apply for financial aid for fall 1978 August 1, 1978-last day to apply for admission for fall 1978 September 11, 1978-fall 78 semester begins |