PICTORIAL BIOGRAPHY OF THE VENERABLE MASTER HSU YUN Continued from issue #86 COMPOSED BY THE VENERABLE MASTER HSUAN HUA Illustrated by a student of Prajna CONTINUES TO BOW AT LENGTH AND PASSES THROUGH SU CHOU #43 Leaving the city of Hu Chou, the Master again began proffering incense and bowing as before. When people along the roadside saw him, they all respectfully placed their palms together and recited the name of the Buddha. Some happily followed along, kowtowing. The Master reached the city of Su Chou, where the cheerful men and faithful women who believed in the Triple Jewel were many indeed. A considerable number of these people received the three refuges from him. All types of people respectfully welcomed him, and at that time the wonderful news of his arrival continued to spread quickly. The Gatha says: The youth Sudhana visited the south, more than one hundred cities; Whether in cities or in countryside, he did not clearly distinguish. The Master journeyed to Wu T'ai mountain in the area of Hu Chou and Su Chou; By virtuous men and faithful
women, he
passed with lowered head. |