PICTORIAL BIOGRAPHY OF THE VENERABLE MASTER HSU YUNContinued from issue COMPOSED BY THE VENERABLE MASTER HSUAN HUA Illustrated by a student of Prajna MAKES SERIOUS VOWS AND VISITS CH’ING LIANG MOUNTAIN #41 The Master had now left the home life behind in excess of ten years, but he had yet to complete his karma in following the Way. His laborious work had not yet been repaid, and so he vowed to again make a pilgrimage to Nan Hai. From Fa Hua Temple, all the way to Ch'ing Liang Peak at Wu T'ai Mountain, he made one full prostration every three steps. At the outset, four Ch'an monks, P'ien Chen, Chiao Ch'eng, Shan Hsia, and Ch'iu Ning accompanied the Master. But the daily progress--walking and bowing—was slow, and they gradually had thoughts of withdrawing. It was not easy going. The Gatha says: If one is able to do what’s troublesome, This is just true action; If one is able to bear the unbearable, This is true forbearance; If one is able to practice the difficult, This is true cultivation; If one is able to take what’s unpleasant, This is true endurance.
Erratum: In issue 80-82 of Vajra Bodhi Sea the picture shown below was printed in error to illustrate the fortieth section of the Pictorial biography. To correct this error the picture, which should have accompanied the fortieth section, appears in this issue following the picture below. |