Truly recognize your own faults, And don’t discuss the faults of others. Others’ faults are just your own— Being one with everyone is called great compassion. -Composed by Ch’an Master Hua THE SINO-AMERICAN BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION YOU CAN JOIN Everyone is welcome to contribute or take part in any or all of the activities of the Sino-American Buddhist Association. By enrolling in one' of the nine categories of membership in the Association, you join in the Buddha's work in America. By protecting and supporting the Dharma and helping it flourish in the West, you help all beings along the road that leads to enlightenment. MEMBERSHIP IN THE ASSOCIATION ENTITLES YOU TO: Voting rights in the Association,
including the right to cast ballots for the Board
of Directors, and to qualify to serve on the Board. Free attendance at Sutra lectures, ceremonies, holiday celebrations, and many other events of the Association. Purchase of any of the Association's publications at half price. Attendance at meditation and recitation sessions, including meals, lodging, and instruction, at half price. A free subscription to Vajra Bodhi Sea, the journal of the Association. Receipt of all announcements of special events of the Association. A membership card, registration on the Association's membership roll, and, for term and life members, a special membership pin. NINE CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP Lifetime Memberships Term Memberships (junior memberships of $.50 a month are available to children under 12) All memberships, gifts, and
contributions to the Sino-American Buddhist
Association are |