DHARMA REALM BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY Of the sixty buildings, which comprise the City of Ten Thousand Buddhist located on 237 acres of ground, the gymnasium, classrooms, dormitories, student housing, and library, will be available to DRBU students, as well as the swimming pool, baseball field, canteen and cottage industry shops and yards. Classes for DRBU's initial semester commence February 15th, 1977. A program of summer retreats is also planned. DRBU is in the process of negotiations to affiliate with a respected accredited university, so that by fall various student and faculty benefits will be available as a result of this merger. Initially, degrees will be conferred in Buddhist Studies, Chinese Studies, Translation, and Creative and Practical Arts. The University curriculum will be flexible and responsive to the ideas and interests of the entire community.
Shown above is Upasika Kuo-ya Yen, librarian for the Sino-American Buddhist Association, at the new library facilities of Dharma Realm Buddhist University located at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Talmage, California. |