GOAL OF NEW BODHIMANDAS IN THE WEST During the four week winter recitation and meditation sessions held at Gold Mountain Monastery, Upasaka C.C. Lee and family came to pay respects to the Venerable Master and to join the great assembly in bowing to the Buddhas. Shown here are the Lee family; and the two Liu children, whose parents hosted the Lees during their stay in the Bay Area. Shown welcoming the Lees are Dharma Master Heng Kuan, Dharma Master Heng K'ung and Upasaka Kuo Hui Weber, who were in the midst of thirty-six day fasts, and Dharma Master Heng Ch'ih who was in the midst of an eighteen day fast. The tasters were dedicating the merit of their fasts to the early and successful establishment of new Bodhimandas in the West, a goal which the Lees also share through their continued encouragement and support of the Triple Jewel. PURE LAND AND CH'AN DHARMA TALKS Dharma Talks given by the Venerable Master Hua during intensive recitation and meditation sessions held at Gold Mountain. Practical-instruction on methods for recitation and meditation, paperbound, 72 pp. |