THE BODHI MIRROR Introducing the Eminent Dharma Master Bhiksuni Ch’ang-Hsu |
Dharma Master Ch'ang-hsu was born on December 8, 1922 in Hai-ch'eng County, Liao Lin Sung Province, Manchuria, and given the name Lien Su-yun. Her father worked as a businessman to support his large family. All the members of the family were Buddhists. |
In 1947 Lien Su-yun left the home life at Shih-fo Temple in Hai-ch'eng County under Dharma Master Te-hsi. In the same year she received the complete precepts and was given the name Ch'ang-hsu. Also during that year she left Manchuria and went to Shanghai where she lived for a year at Hsiu-tz’u Nunnery. In 1948 Bhiksuni Ch’ang-hsu traveled to Hong Kong and first stayed at Lieh-hsing Nunnery. Later she went on to establish Lu-Shan Temple and is now Abbot there. She often invites greatly virtuous members of the Sangha to lecture at Lu-shan and during Dharma assemblies she often gives instruction. In 1964 Bhiksuni Ch’ang-hsu traveled to Taiwan where she spent several weeks visiting temples and monasteries. More recently, in 1975, she visited Way places in the United States. During her stay she came several times to Gold Mountain, accompanied by Dharma Master T’i-ching, to draw near the Venerable Master, join in the four-week intensive winter recitation and meditation sessions, and attend the Great Avatamsaka Assembly. SOON TO BE PUBLISHED: Instructional Dharma talks given by the Venerable Master Hua during an Amitabha Buddha Recitation Session held at Buddha Root Farm along the Smith River in Oregon. Includes photo essay and drawings of the unusual Dharma assembly, the first to be held under open skies deep in the mountains. Neither the downpours of rain nor the heat of the blazing sun daunted the participants, and many were moved to take refuge with the Triple Jewel and bow to the Master as their, teacher during the week. |