Sanskrit Lesson vakkulena1 ca, "and Vakkula," (continued from issue #54) by Bhiksuni Heng Hsien Among the Buddha's
disciples the great Arhat Vakkula2 Finally his mother flung
him into the sea, where he was swallowed by a fish. When the fish was caught and
opened the baby Vakkula was still alive. Some say the fisherman's wife then
adopted him and explain his name as meaning But beware, for although
vakula The traditional Chinese translation of the Arhat Vakkula's name is "well-formed" 8 referring to his well-balanced limbs and well proportionad features. The Sanskrit derivation of the Chinese meaning is obscure. Not only was the
Venerable Vakkula's life-span long , but for eighty years he cultivated the Way
he never had an instant's illness or pain. That was his reward for having
offered a 1 Vakkulena appears after Kalodayina ca in Max Muller's Sanskrit edition. We have emended the word order on the basis of the Chinese text. 2. 3 Modern derivatives and Prakrit bakkara "laughter" point to a hypothetical Sanskrit root *bakk- "to chatter," (Turner 9117). 4 See VBS #47, pp. 9-10 |