THE PONG SONG (It’s All in Your Mind) By Heng Yin Long ago in the land of T’ang Lived a man & his wife and their little girl Pong. Mr. Pong came home from work as tired as could be He took off his hat and he hung it on a rack & he said to his family; It’s
hard; Like putting seeds on the leaves of the trees in a yard. Verse II Ms. Pong said with a twinkle in her eye, "So that's how it is with you. You say the Way is long and hard; Well, I don't share your view. Just don't let the affairs of the world turn your head around; You'll arrive at the Way on the very day when you finally put it all down. Chorus II It's easy, it's easy, it's easy as I find on this tip of every blade of grass the Patriarch's mind." Verse III Then Little Girl Pong happened along and said, "May I speak too? You say it's easy, he says it's hard; I don't agree with either of you. Don't forget there is nothing that's not made from the mind alone. Thought after thought, seek the middle way-- Return to your original home. Chorus III It's not easy, it's not hard; it's not easy, it's not hard. It's not easy, it's not hard-- I eat when I'm hungry-- and
I sleep when I'm tired." ERRORS IN PREVIOUS SANSKRIT LESSONS The editors wish to apologize for errors which have appeared in previous Sanskrit lessons, and hope readers will take the time to make the following corrections: VBS#22, paragraph 3, end of line 8, add lan-. VBS#26, note 1, for L. de la Vallee Poussin, read Etienne Lamotte. VBS#31,
end, verb 2, correct to VBS#34,
paragraph 3, line 3, for "King's House," read "House of
King's," and line 15, for VBS#35,
paragraph 2, line 2, for VBS#39,
paragraph 2, line 3, correct to See
50_10 for the first in the series of articles entitled RECORD OF THE SAGES'
TRAVELS BOWING ONCE EVERY THREE STEPS FOR WORLD PEACE. Beginning with this issue, Vajra Bodhi Sea will publish a Daily Record of the trek Bhiksu Heng Ju and Hneg Yo have taken for the sake of world peace. Hailed as sages, the object of the ridicule and abuse, reputed to be holy men with magical powers, and yet slandered and insulted, Heng Ju and Heng Yo have bowed the gamut, so to speak, and their experiences comprise a story of incredible self-sacrifice for the sake of the violent and war-torned world. Collected from many different sources, the "Daily Record of the Sages' Travels" documents one of the most remarkable feats undertaken in modern times. The determination and sincerity which guides the work of these two Bhiksus is unmistakable, and has influenced thousands of people. As Buddhism begins to bloom in the West, it is indeeed auspicious that Heng Ju and Heng Yo have appeared to serve as living examples of selfless compassion expressed in the teachings of the Buddha. See 50_10. |