Because of her inexhaustible energy and outstanding talents and abilities, she has been able to successfully serve several consecutive terms as class president while performing other duties and holding other positions as well. Although she is an awesome leader, she is compassionate and has gained the full support of her fellow-classmates, becoming their “big sister” in their minds. As a lecturer her eloquence knows no rival, and her voice is loud and clear. Among Buddhist disciples, ones with such talent and genius as hers are rare. Bhiksuni Tz’u En graduated from the Eastern Buddhist Academy at Buddha’s Light Mountain, Koahsiang, Taiwan, Republic of China, in June 1971. She currently resides at #102 Cheng I Street, North District, Taichung, Taiwan. Buddhist Calendar July 14 Great Master Ch'ang Jen's Enlightenment 16 Great Master Ch'ang Chih's Birthday 18 Kuan Yin Bodhisattva's Enlightenment Aug. 11 Great Strength Bodhisattva's Birthday 13 Ullambana Festival Day of the Buddha's Rejoicing 22 Nagarjuna Bodhisattva's Birthday 27 Earth Store Bodhisattva's Birthday 30 Great Master Hui Neng's Birthday Sept. 18 Dipankara Buddha's Birthday Oct. 10 Great Master Ch'ang Jen Left the Home Life 11 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Left the Home Life 12 Great Master Ch'ang Chih's Enlightenment 14 Avalokitesvara Left the Home Life |