News From The Dharma Realm Scholar and Translator In January the Sino-American Buddhist Association had the opportunity to welcome Leo M. Pruden, Professor of Religious Studies at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, to Gold Mountain Monastery. Professor Pruden was accompanied by Mr. Lee Haeng-won with whom he is currently sponsoring the Providence Zen Center, an organization which is introducing Buddhist to the East Coast. Professor Pruden has traveled widely and studied in Asia, and is very much concerned with the translation of Buddhist scriptural material from Asian languages into English. On a recent trip to the West Coast he stopped in San Francisco to visit Gold Mountain and pay his respects to the Venerable Abbot and members of the Sangha. He looked into the Monastery¡¦s varied and intense schedule of activities, and discussed the importance of cooperation among the Sangha and lay community, regardless of nationality or sectarian affiliations, in order that the Buddhadharma might flourish. Professor Pruden praised the work being done by the Association, especially the Vajra Bodhi Sea Publication Society, and said that he hoped scholars of the Sangha and lay community can work together on translation projects in the future so that the Buddha's teachings might be quickly and accurately brought to the West. -End Shown in the picture on the Venerable Abbot¡¦s left right respectively are two recent visitors to Gold Mountain from the East Coast, Professor Leo Pruden from Brown University, and Mr. Lee Haeng-won. |
Upasaka I Kuo Jung is shown above teaching French at Gold Mountain Monastery. The text he uses for the course is de la Valise Poussin's Vijnaptimatra Siddhi. He also makes reference to the original Chinese texts and traditional commentaries in order to make the course as valuable as possible. His class is part of the Gold Mountain language-training program, which is preparing many enthusiastic students to propagate the Buddhadharma world-wide. |
In addition to the evening lectures on the Avatamsaka Sutra, there are
also lectures on the Surangama Sutra given daily at Gold Mountain. There
is no other Bodhimandala in the world where the Dharma Wheel is turned
with such unflagging vigor as at Gold Mountain Monastery where it is in
motion seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.
Conference of Translators Poquott, Long Island, Feb. 6, 7, and 8: The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, an educational foundation with offices in New York and library at the Stony Brook campus of the State University of New York, has initiated and sponsored a meeting of three American Buddhist bhiksus and bhiksunis from Gold Mountain Monastery in San Francisco, and five prominent Buddhist scholars. The purpose of the meeting was to make plans for the compilation and publication of a new kind of multilingual Buddhist dictionary for use by scholars and students. The meeting took place at Bodhi House, owned by Mr. C.T. Shen, founder and president of the Institute. Mr. Shen opened the meeting by asking all participants to sign a ledger book first used in July 1776. In his opening remarks, he emphasized that the dictionary would not impose standards on other scholars, but should be a practical reference book to aid translators and students. The entries, he pointed out, could be in Sanskrit, Pail, Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, and English. Mr. Shen also asked that the meeting consider methods to increase cooperation of translators and scholars all over the world. During the meeting it was decided to use the computerization of data to help assemble the dictionary. This is perhaps the first time that such procedure has been followed. The participants included Bhiksu Heng Ching, Bhiksu Heng Kuan, Bhiksuni Heng Yin, Dr. Richard S.Y. Chi, Dr. Richard A. Gard, Dr. Robert A.F. Thurman, Dr. Christopher S. George, and Mr. Fayen S.K. Koo. Also attending the conference as observers were Bhiksu Heng Shoou and Bhikusnis Heng Ch¡¦ih and Heng Hsien from Gold Mountain. The participants in the first conference resolved to publish the first edition of what may be called "The New World Buddhist Dictionary" on July 4, 1976, the bicentennial anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the U.S.A. -end
Shown above from left to right
are Mr. C.T. Shen, Dr. Christopher George, Bhiksuni Heng Yin, Bhiksu Heng
Kuan, Bhiksu Heng Ching, Mr. Fayen S.K. Koo, Dr. Richard Chi, and Dr.
Richard Gard, who met at a conference of Buddhist translators in February
on Long Island. BUDDHA'S BIRTHDAY The Sino-American Buddhist Association, Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery, and the Vajra Bodhi Sea Publication Society will sponsor the Buddha's Birthday celebrations this year, and cordially invite all Buddhist to attend the anniversary of the birth of our original teacher, Sakyamuni Buddha. The holiday falls on May 10th this year and the major celebrations and ceremonies will take place on Sunday, May 6th. SET THIS DAY ASIDE NOW! |