Bhiksuni Ch’eng Ming() was born in 1918 in China, and left the home life
at Kuan Ching Temple in Hai Ch’eng County, Lien Ning Province. Her teacher was
the elder Bhiksuni Pen Fan. In 1937 she received the Complete Precepts of the
Thousand Buddhas at Kang Chi Temple in Peking.
Ch’eng Ming is currently on leave from her posts in Hong Kong, and is
traveling in the United States with Bhiksuni Chiao An. In Hong Kong she is a
trustee on the Standing Committee of the Buddhist Studies Association, and a
Trustee of Inner Light School of Wonderful Dharma Temple. Most important, she is
the Director of the Hua Yen Lotus Society.
Bhiksuni Ch’eng Mind, who recently arrived in San Francisco from Hong Kong via Hawaii, visited Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery to pay her respects to the Venerable Abbot. She will be traveling in the United States before returning to Hong Kong. The members of the Sino-American Buddhist Association were pleased to have the opportunity to welcome her to America.