The Bodhi Lectern

Introducing the Eminent Upasaka C.C. Lu

      The Elder Upasaka C. C. Lu was born around the turn of the century, and now, nearly three quarters of a century later, he is one of the rare pioneers who takes advantage of the opportunity to support and protect the Dharma of the Buddha, and help to establish it in a new land. Upasaka Lu, an active and influential member of the business community in Vancouver, is responsible for founding the Buddhist Association of Canada and establishing Buddhist Temple in Vancouver.

      The opening of a Bodhimandala is the most important event in the world. Why? Upasaka Lu said, “If ten percent of the people in the West will become Buddhists and begin to practice, the dissentions in this violent world will certainly be resolved.” Following up on his insight, Upasaka Lu established the Bodhimandala, knowing that it is in the Bodhimandala that men learn to transform the heart, which does evil to the heart, which is good. Without places to study and practice, the wonderful principles of Enlightenment and Peace will rapidly fade from the world of men.

C.C. Lu

Fortunately there are selfless and courageous men like Upasaka C.C. Lu who insure the well being of Buddhism for future generations.

--By Bhiksu Heng Kuan