The Master's name was Te Su and his family name was Lou. An extraordinary youth, he set his heart on leaving home, but didn't know where to turn. One day he suddenly saw a monk and asked him where to go. The monk pointed east and said, "In Kuan Chung1 the Buddhadharma flourishes and there are many good knowing advisors." Just as quickly, the monk vanished and Chih Che then knew that he had met a holy man. Chih
Che left home at Tung Shan Monastery when he was seventeen. He dwelt in
an exposed cave and ate no cooked food, living only on pine needles.
Official Chou Yu, Chief Minister Ch'u! Yuan and General Wang
Chien all requested him to speak about the Dharma. Wherever he dwelt the
wild beasts were docile and tigers acted as his Dharma Protectors,
guarding his door as if they were housedogs. His life was filled with
many such magical occurrences. During
the Liang Dynasty, many ordination platforms were held. The Master was
asked to act as Acarya and was honored with the title "Chih Che",
"The Wise One." When he explained the precepts, a magpie and
two peacocks came to hear him. The Emperor himself received the
Bodhisattva precepts from him. After his nirvana, a rare fragrance filled the room. He was buried in a stupa to the left of Great Master Chih Kung2 and at his funeral a pair of white cranes circled the stupa crying mournfully. After the burial, they left. A
verse in praise of him says, This
great Bodhisattva Appeared in a Bhiksu's body, Morality
arose from his nature. Did
he need to cultivate for his penetrations? He
was the Emperor's teacher, The
host of the Dharma covenant, The
peer of Master Chih Kung, A
model for a thousand years. NOTES: 1 The region near Ch'ang An 2 See VBS #25, pg.1 . |