Distinguished Professor and Author--by Bhiksu Heng Kuan The staff of the Vajra Bodhi Sea Publication Society takes this space to thank Professor P.Y. Hsieh for her accurate and constructive criticism of Vajra Bodhi Sea. Those people who truly care about the future of Buddhism and who have the compassion to point out our errors, causing us to change for the good, are certainly our good knowing advisors. Without good advice, one could pass through a lifetime of confusion thinking that everything was proper and correct. Good criticism where it is needed will speed the growth of Buddhism in the West. Professor
Hsieh presented her criticisms with humility, telling some humorous
anecdotes from the days when she was studying English to illustrate her
points. For example, once one of her classmates decided to try some of
what she had learned in a class on English grammar, spelling and writing.
But one day when her teacher heard her exclaim, "Dog bless
you!" she was soundly scolded. Professor
Hsieh particularly pointed out the text upon which the article "The
Vomit Verse" is based (see VBS#9, December 1970), which was
incorrectly transcribed oh to the proof sheets of that issue. The editor
offers his apologies to the readers for this carelessness, hoping that no
one was confused by it, and thanks Professor Hsieh for correcting the
errors. The Chinese for the gatha was written down from memory by an American who had studied Chinese for only a year or so. The
members of Vajra Bodhi Sea are pleased that Professor Hsieh has agreed to
join Vajra Bodhi Sea Publications as Corresponding Advisor.
Professor Hsieh is a well-known and respected novelist, essayist,
scholar and teacher. Not least among her many talents and accomplishments
is a deep comprehensive understanding of the Buddhadharma. Vajra Bodhi Sea
has been greatly honored by Professor Hsieh's acceptance of the position,
and each member of the staff welcomes her. |
Professor |
The original "Vomit Verse" as it was passed on to Vajra Bodhi
Sea by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua apears below. |