The Triple Jewel The Buddha compiled by Bhikshu
Heng Shun |
"If one wishes
to fully understand -Flower Adornment Sutra |
Buddha means "one who is awake or enlightened." There are three kinds of enlightenment: BASIC ENLIGHTENMENT is the inherent Buddhanature in all living beings. It is the en1ightenment-potentia1 which does not depend on anything for it's existence. "It is the primal bright essence of consciousness that can bring forth all conditions. Because of conditions, you consider it to be lost." -Shurangama Sutra Based on this principle. Buddhism includes all living beings, regardless of their kind or what particular views they have. For this reason, Buddhism does not contend with any other religion or philosophy. INITIAL ENLIGHTENMENT includes the various degrees of realization of the enlightenment- potential which comes about through the study and practice of the Buddha's teachings. ULTIMATE ENLIGHTENMENT is the perfection of enlightenment and practice. One awakens to a11 things without the slightest particle of confusion.