January 1980, Mahayana 3004

Volume X - Series 23 - NO.116

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      The Great Bodhisattva of the jeweled Hand & Eye. His golden axe smashes the house of ignorance. Those with sentience sever off their afflictions. From the Earth a jeweled Lotus bursts forth.

Issued in January, 1980. Copyright c by the Sino-American Buddhist Association. Mahayana 3004. Volume x series 23 number 116. Vajra Bodhi Sea (USPS 347-110) International Periodical # ISSN 0507-6986.

English Table of Contents

Bodhi Seal of Patriarchs... Venerable Chih Che, 3rd Patriarch of the T'ien T'ai School
Dharma Flower Sutra... Chapter 3, A Parable
Flower Adornment Sutra Prologue
With One Heart Bowing... Letters to the Venerable Abbot from the monks
The Bodhi Mirror... Venerable Thich Duc-Niem, Ph.D.
The Bodhi Stand... Upasaka Yang Kuo Hsin
Supposing These Questions Were Asked... Ch'eng Hsi (Cheng Yin)
News from the Dharma Realm... Opening at City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
Ch'an Cultivation... by Upasaka Yu Kuo K'ung, Ph.D.
Prajna Paramita and Chinese Ch'an... Bhikshuni Hui Wen
Plain Cultivation... by Dharma Master Heng K'ung
Sanskrit Lesson... by Bhikshuni Heng Hsien

Cover: Great Compassion Mantra Verse: Composed by Venerable Master Hua
                                      English Calligraphy by Jerry Jo Idarius 
                                      (except cover circle) 
                                      Chinese Calligraphy by Upasaka Liu Kuo Chi

Printed in the United States of America issue #116
Second Class Postage Paid at San Francisco

VAJRA BODHI STAFF for English section

Director of Publications: Master Hsuan Hua

Chairman of the Board: Upasaka C.T. Shen

President: Upasika Phuong Kuo Wu

Vice President: Professor Hsing Tsun Lee

Advisors: Bhikshu Heng Kuan, Bhikshunis Heng Yin & Heng Hsien, Professor Kuo Jung (R.B.) Epstein

Distributor: Bhikshu Heng Shun

Editor: Bhikshuni Heng Ch'ih

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