
by Venerable Elder Master Hsu Yun


"What is this useless fool doing here?

Now it is the Dharma ending age.

I must be mistaken

For without rhyme or reason

I stick out my neck.

Ah, the Sagely Pulse is in danger,

And dangles by a single thread.

I care not for myself;

I am concerned only for others.

Fishing with a straight hook

From atop a lonely mountain peak,

Plunging to the ocean's floor

To stoke up a fire and boil the sea...

No one understands what I do.

And So I laugh at this mournful lament;

And empty space is pulverized.

They bark, "Don't talk that rot!

Why don't you just forget it?"

When the suffering of every being in ended

Only then will I rest.


       -Written in the spring of the year
              Wu Hsu (1958) by the imaginary
              Bhikshu Hsu Yun, age 119 years,
              At Yun Ju Mountain.