-by Kuo Yin Henry
When the moon a-ris-es ov-er pure
wa-ter clear and the wind
Just keep look-ing deep-er wad-ing thru the dust. Work-ing harder
it blows light-ly but no waves
ap-pear, this clear mental fla-vor of com-fort
Every-day is certain-ly a must. When six sen-ses mo-ve clouds
and peace-- no out-side no in-side just em-pty re-lease-- the ones who
co-ver. False thoughts mingle -gle and ho- -o -ver con-tinue per-
en-counter it are ver-y ver--y few
but possi-ble to ex-per-ience it is a part
se-ver-ence this is on-ly a test. When one thought is not produced
of you. the en-tire sub-stance
manifests. |