Dharma Master Yin Hai was born on the Mainland in 1924. At age thirteen he left the home-life under Master Chih Ming at Ting Hui Temple, and later after thorough training as a novice, he received the complete precepts at Pau Hua Mountain from Precept Master Miau Je. In 1949 Dharma Master Yin Hai completed two years of study at Tien Ning Buddhist Academy. Later in Taiwan, he drew near to Dharma Master Tse Po (who became a flesh-body Bodhisattva) at Maitreya's Inner Court for three years. There he advanced in his Buddhist Studies, teaching every school and specializing in Wei Shih "Consciousness Only." Next he drew near to Elder Master Yin Shun and helped him establish T'ai Hsu Buddhist Academy and Hui Erh Lecture Hall. Eventually Dharma Master Yin Hai became Manager of the Lecture Hall for three years and was honored with the position of Abbot for three terms. During his career as Abbot, he lectured at Buddhist Academies and Colleges. Dharma Master Yin Hai was also Editor of Hal Ch'au Yin Buddhist Magazine for a period of time. After a tour of Southeast Asia to propagate the Dharma, Dharma Master Yin Hai was invited in 1975 to Tung Ch'an Temple in New York. While there he lectured The Coming of Maitreya Sutra. In 1977 he established Fa Yin Temple in Los Angeles. The Temple was formally dedicated in 1978, and now Master Yin lectures Dharma there. Commenting about the propagation of the Buddhadharma, Master Yin Hai stressed the importance of higher education and especially language study, close cooperation among Sangha members, and the ability to refrain from criticism as essential factors that will contribute to its success. |