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Upasaka R. B. Epstein


On Saturday, August 22nd 1970, the Buddhist Lecture Hall was honored by the visit of Dharma Master Tsu Yin(祖印). After a vegetarian meal the Dharma Master gave a Dharma talk to the large gathering of the four-fold assembly.

In his introductory remarks, Dharma Master Tsu Yin said,

"Twenty-five years ago, at Nan Hua(南華)Monastery, Ts'ao Hsi(曹溪), Canton, China, I studied under Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. At this time the Great Master Hsu Yua was Abbot of Nan Hua. The Master Hsuan Hua encouraged us to study diligently. He said that the world, and particularly the West, would be confronted with countless problems following as a result of World War II, and would have no way to resolve them. The problems, the Master said, would increase with severity every day, and could, only be checked by the proper application of the principles of the Buddhadharma. And so it was that he instructed us to prepare well so that after World War II we would be worthy and capable of carrying the Buddhadharma to the West."

Dharma Master Tsu Yin then lectured on the 25 complete penetrations discussed in The Shurangama Sutra. The 25 are the six roots (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind), the six dusts (form, sound, smell, taste, touch, Dharmas), the six consciousnesses (eye consciousness, ear consciousness...and so forth to mind consciousness), and also the seven great elements (ground, water, fire, wind, emptiness, sight, and consciousness).

He also explained the Five Contemplations:

  1. The contemplation of impurity for living beings with much greed.
  2. The contemplation of compassion for living being with much anger.
  3. The contemplation of conditioned cause for living beings with much stupidity.
  4. The contemplation of recalling the Buddha for living beings with many obstacles.
  5. The contemplation of counting the breaths for living beings who are scattered (i.e., unable to concentrate).

Dharma Master Tsu Yin concluded the instruction in Dharma with a kung an (i.e., public precedent) to illustrate the universality of the expedient methods which the Buddha established.

Upasika Lu Mu Cha(陸慕霞)(3rd from left) recently traveling in the United States on a holiday from Hong Kong, visited the Sino-American Buddhist Association to pay her respects to the Master Hsuan Hua (center seated) and to introduce herself to American Buddhism. She visited with her son, Chen Hsing Kuo(陳興國)(2nd from left) who is presently studying at Fresno State College. Lu Mu Cha was formerly principal of Chin Ch'en(金城)Middle School in Hong Kong. Others in the picture are (1. to rt.) Li Kuo Yu(李果禹); Dharma Master, Heng Yin, Buddhist Text Translation Society; Heng Ching, V.B.S. Director of Translation; Heng Ch'ien, V.B.S. Director of Publications; Heng Shou, V.B.S. Director of Administration; Heng Ch'ih, Buddhist Text Translation Society; and Upasakas Kuo Chan, V.B.S. Editor-in-Chief; and Kuo Jung, V.B.S. President.

The 1970 Meditation and Sutra Study Session was opened with a Kuan Yin(觀音)recitation week - a week spent in meditation and recitation of the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, from 6 each morning until 10 p.m. each evening. Here, participants tie up the boundaries of the Bodhimandala with the Great Compassion Mantra to open the recitation week.


  • Every Saturday at 3 p.m. Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua teaches a class in Chinese Buddhist Poetry. Everyone is invited to attend and not miss this excellent opportunity to study the Chinese language and the principles of Buddhism.
  • The 98 Day Winter Meditation Session will begin on November 15th, 1970, and last until February 20th, 1971. Sitting and running meditation will begin at 3 a.m. and last until 12 p.m. every day of the session without interruption.
    This Session is given only for those who wish to end birth and death, open enlightenment, and accomplish the Buddha fruit. Others need not apply. Write SABA, 125 Waverly Place, San Francisco. Calif. 94108. Tel: 397-3675
  • Vajra Bodhi Sea welcomes the recent return of Prof. Lewis Lancaster, noted Buddhist Scholar and Sinologist, from a research trip to Asia sponsored by a grant from the American Council of Learned Societies, and a Faculty Research Fellowship from the University of California. Dr. Lancaster will resume his teaching duties with the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Berkeley.
  • The Sino-American Buddhist Association needs an addressing machine and an additional electric typewriter to keep up with the work load. Anyone wishing to help with our work by donating these and other office machines, desks, or file cabinets, should contact the Director of Publications, Vajra Bodhi Sea.

After successful completion of the first Series of Vajra Bodhi Sea, the staff would like to thank the many subscribers and patrons for their generous assistance. We realize that the first days for any new publication are precarious, and so we are especially grateful for the continuous contributions of money, publicity, effort and encouragement. We consider the good feeling generated through your support of Vajra Bodhi Sea one of the more valuable results of our work. Thank you.


  • The Record of Water and Mirror Turning Back Heaven
    --- The Biography of Great Master Ch'ang Jen
  • Introduction to Buddhist Patriarchs of the past
  • Ch'an Master Lai Kuo's Dharma Talks
  • Final installment of "The Fox Record"
  • Amitabha Sutra -- new translation
  • A new series on The Heart Sutra and much more.

In answer to our reader's requests, we now include the Chinese characters for names and important technical terms in our translations.

Contributors Who Have Aided in the Spreading of the Good Dharma

Triple Jewel  
Upasaka Wang Kuo Jen and Upasika Wang Kuo Chin on the occasion of their marriage $100
Lee Hing Tseng, on the occasion of the marriage of his son, Yu Cheun Lee, to Jenny Y. Chan $20
Upasika T'an Kuo Cheng $10
Upasika T'an Kuo An $10
Bodhimandala Fund  
Upasaka Kuo P'eng $499


The Sino-American Buddhist Association will establish a great Bodhimandala at which Buddhists from all countries of the world will gather to investigate the Buddhadharma. This is a project of great importance. We ask that those people who wish to support the growth of Buddhism in America and the West bring forth hearts of generosity and contribute toward this goal. Contributors of U.S. $100,000 or more will be recognized as founders; those who give U.S. $10,000 or more as trustees; those who give U.S. $1,000 or more as patrons. To fully accomplish this task will require an estimated $1,500,000, so it is necessary that those who have the ability to give produce the Bodhi mind and help themselves through helping others. The meritorious virtue of this assistance is without measure.


Dear V.B.S.

Yer mag is so dynamite, even us demons dig it. We don't bow to it every day or nothin' flashy like that, you understand, but we do, nonetheless gas out on it when it climbs into our mailbox.

Keep up the good dharma, but please go easy on us demons, (what ever happened to limitless compassion anyway?) I mean, jeezum! ever since V.B.S. been spreading its light throughout the universe, it's been getting harder an harder for us to make a go of it.

Bein serious don't mean you gotta frown,
Jim Rennie
Ridgewood, N.J.


Good Knowing Advisors,

I was most pleased to receive recently a copy of your new periodical, Vajra Bodhi Sea. I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies at Columbia U. and have long felt the need for association with other students whose approach to Buddhism is, as Upasaka Lovett put it, both scholarly and genuinely Buddhist. I am, therefore, enclosing a check for a year's subscription and I assure you I will do my best to spread the word of your publication here in New York.

Yours in Dharma,
Robert M. Gimello
New York, N.Y.


All Buddhist holidays are recorded on the lunar calendar, a fact which causes considerable difficulty to many Westerners trying to determine when to hold celebrations. The holidays listed below have been transposed from the lunar to the solar calendar. It should be noted that the dates listed are good only for the current year, since the lunar new year falls on a different day on the solar calendar each year.

● Oct.


Anniversary of the Nirvana of the Venerable Hsu Yun(虛雲)


Anniversary of the Enlightenment of Great Master Ch'ang Chih(常智)


Tripitaka Master Tu Lun(度輪)left home.


Great Master Ch'ang Jen(常仁)left home.


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva left home.

● Nov.


Birthday of Patriarch Bodhidharma.


Releasing even one captive living being on this day is one billion times more meritorious than on other days. Offense incurring karma is ten million times heavier on this day.
(Note: this refers to releasing animals which would otherwise be killed and eaten.)

● Dec.


Birthday of Amitabha Buddha.


Birthday of the Compassionate Bodhisattva Who Leads One to Rebirth in the Nine Grades of Lotus.

October 18th, 1970 is the anniversary of the day Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva left home to cultivate the path to Buddhahood, To celebrate this occasion, the Buddhist Lecture Hall will hold a Seven Day Recitation Session beginning on Monday, October 12th, lasting until Sunday the 18th. The Session will run from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. each day, and on Sunday a vegetarian feast will be held. All are invited to attend, and should call or write the Buddhist Lecture Hall to reserve a place.

Ceremonies will also begin at 7 a.m. on Oct. 11th, Nov. 3rd, and Nov. 6th to commemorate those holidays.

For a week preceding the beginning of the Winter Meditation Session (Nov. 7-13), there will be chanting of sutras and mantras every morning beginning at 9 a.m. There will be no ceremonies held during the 98 Day Winter Meditation Session. (Nov. 15th—February 20th).

Upasika T'an Kuo Shin became a disciple of the Master Hsuan Hua in Hong Kong at the early age of thirteen. She later came to the United States and attended San Jose State College. She was instrumental in establishing the Buddhist Lecture Hall and preparing the way for the Master to come to the United States.

Upasika Kuo Shih is an active leader in Sin American Buddhist Association activities and serves as a Director of Transition for Vajra Bodhi Sea. Here she is pictured teach young Americans the rudiments of Buddhist chanting and playing of instruments employed in ceremonies.

She presently resides with her husband and two children in Milpitas, California.


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea